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Security For Mobile and Cloud Frontiers in Healthcare
From Communications of the ACM

Security For Mobile and Cloud Frontiers in Healthcare

Designers and developers of healthcare information technologies must address preexisting security vulnerabilities and undiagnosed future threats.

What Edward Snowden Has Wrought
From ACM Opinion

What Edward Snowden Has Wrought

Think of Edward Snowden's vast leaks as a how-to guide for head-choppers looking to keep their own heads far from U.S. bombs.

We Are Data: The Future of Machine Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

We Are Data: The Future of Machine Intelligence

I look at apps like Grindr and Tinder and see how they’ve rewritten sex culture—by creating a sexual landscape filled with vast amounts of incredibly graphic site...

What Is a 'computer' Anymore?
From ACM Opinion

What Is a 'computer' Anymore?

People used to be computers.

The Future, as Told By 'call of Duty: Black Ops 3'
From ACM Careers

The Future, as Told By 'call of Duty: Black Ops 3'

If you've played just one first-person shooter game it was probably in the Call of Duty series.

Ad Tech Is Killing the Online Experience
From ACM Opinion

Ad Tech Is Killing the Online Experience

There's something so wonderfully easy about reading this column in a physical newspaper.

Pluto Is Just a Baby Step For Humankind
From ACM Opinion

Pluto Is Just a Baby Step For Humankind

As it advances now beyond Pluto, the New Horizons spacecraft is sending back data from its historic encounter with the dwarf planet like a long sigh of relief.

Cli-Fi—That's Climate Fiction—Is the New Sci-Fi
From ACM Opinion

Cli-Fi—That's Climate Fiction—Is the New Sci-Fi

Extreme weather events, changes in precipitation levels, species migration and extinction—climate change promises so many fun things. But why wait?

The View from the Front Seat of the Google Self-Driving Car, Chapter 2
From ACM Opinion

The View from the Front Seat of the Google Self-Driving Car, Chapter 2

Summer is one of the most dangerous times of the year on U.S. streets, as many of us spend more time behind the wheel, heading out for long road trips or local...

A Team Member's View of All the Work on Earth It Took to Get New Horizons to Pluto
From ACM Opinion

A Team Member's View of All the Work on Earth It Took to Get New Horizons to Pluto

Science is hard and good science is harder—it takes persistence and tons of patience.

Here Are Eff's Most Influential Cases from Its First 25 Years
From ACM News

Here Are Eff's Most Influential Cases from Its First 25 Years

On Friday, July 10, the Electronic Frontier Foundation celebrated its 25th anniversary.

Passing Pluto
From ACM Opinion

Passing Pluto

Soon after the New Horizons spacecraft made its closest approach to Pluto, at 7:49 A.M. on Tuesday—seventy-two seconds ahead of schedule, after a nine-and-a-half...

How Worried Should You Be About Artificial Intelligence?
From ACM Opinion

How Worried Should You Be About Artificial Intelligence?

Intelligent machines come in myriad forms, so which ones pose a danger to us, and how likely are they to actually happen?

The Reality of Cyberwar
From ACM Opinion

The Reality of Cyberwar

When a series of technical glitches hit companies that ranged from United to the New York Stock Exchange this week, suspicions immediately ran to a cyber attack...

The Social Security Number's Insecurities
From ACM Opinion

The Social Security Number's Insecurities

In both the Anthem insurance hack and the two Office of Personnel Management hacks this year, attackers gained access to Social Security numbers, affecting 80 million...

The Rise of the New Crypto War
From ACM Opinion

The Rise of the New Crypto War

James B. Comey, Jr., the seventh director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is afraid of the dark.

Here Are the 12 Most Influential Programmers Working Today
From ACM Opinion

Here Are the 12 Most Influential Programmers Working Today

The apps and games you use every day don't exist in a vacuum—someone, somewhere, wrote the code.

Encryption, Public Safety, and 'going Dark'
From ACM Opinion

Encryption, Public Safety, and 'going Dark'

I am worried we are talking past each other with respect to "Going Dark," so let me try to frame it in a way that I hope is fair-minded and provides a basis for...

The DARPA Robotics Challenge Was A Bust
From ACM Opinion

The DARPA Robotics Challenge Was A Bust

It's been close to a month since the DARPA Robotics Challenge wrapped up. That's time enough to face facts. The biggest and most well-funded international robotics...

The Very Best Ideas For Preventing Artificial Intelligence from Wrecking the Planet
From ACM Opinion

The Very Best Ideas For Preventing Artificial Intelligence from Wrecking the Planet

The Boston-based Future of Life Institute, backed by a $10 million donation from Elon Musk, recently announced its list of 37 winners of research grants in the....
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