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The ­.S. Campaign Against Huawei Can Offer No ­.S.-Based Alternatives
From ACM Opinion

The ­.S. Campaign Against Huawei Can Offer No ­.S.-Based Alternatives

As U.S. officials have pressured allies not to use networking gear from Chinese technology giant Huawei over spying concerns, President Trump has urged American...

A Journey, If You Dare, Into the Minds of Silicon Valley Programmers
From ACM Opinion

A Journey, If You Dare, Into the Minds of Silicon Valley Programmers

Code seems cold and objective, the raw logic of the internet, and Silicon Valley likes it that way.

Despite Consumer Worries, the Future of Aviation Will Be More Automated
From ACM Opinion

Despite Consumer Worries, the Future of Aviation Will Be More Automated

In the wake of the Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines crashes of Boeing 737 Max planes, people are thinking about how much of their air travel is handled by software...

Huawei's Problem Isn't Chinese Backdoors. It's Buggy Software
From ACM Opinion

Huawei's Problem Isn't Chinese Backdoors. It's Buggy Software

A report on Thursday from a British government oversight group found that Chinese telecom-equipment maker Huawei has basic but deeply problematic flaws in its product...

Free Trade in a Digital World
From Communications of the ACM

Free Trade in a Digital World

Considering the possible implications for free trade, traditionally based on non-digital goods, for a modern global economy that is increasingly based on intangible...

Know Your Algorithms
From Communications of the ACM

Know Your Algorithms

Stop using hardware to solve software problems.

The Web Is Missing an Essential Part of Infrastructure
From Communications of the ACM

The Web Is Missing an Essential Part of Infrastructure: An Open Web Index

A proposal for building an index of the Web that separates the infrastructure part of the search engine—the index—from the services part that will form the basis...

'The Risk Paid Off': How Apple Prevailed in the ­.S.-China Trade War
From ACM Opinion

'The Risk Paid Off': How Apple Prevailed in the ­.S.-China Trade War

President Donald Trump's trade war with China has left a trail of economic wreckage across American industries from soybean farms to auto manufacturers.

From Computational Thinking to Computational Action
From Communications of the ACM

From Computational Thinking to Computational Action

Envisioning computing education that both teaches and empowers.

It's About Power
From Communications of the ACM

It's About Power

A call to rethink ethics and equity in computing education.

Potential 'Dark Sides' of Leisure Technology Use in Youth
From Communications of the ACM

Potential 'Dark Sides' of Leisure Technology Use in Youth

Time for balanced reflections on technology.

Questioning a New Intellectual Property Right for Press Publishers
From Communications of the ACM

Questioning a New Intellectual Property Right for Press Publishers

Considering the implications of the "link tax" provision of the proposed EU Directive for the Digital Single Market for traditional press publishers.

Can Subscriptions Save All Media Companies, or Just the New York Times?
From ACM Opinion

Can Subscriptions Save All Media Companies, or Just the New York Times?

It's hard not to feel some whiplash when reading news about the media business these days.

How Silicon Valley Puts the 'Con' in Consent
From ACM Opinion

How Silicon Valley Puts the 'Con' in Consent

The average person would have to spend 76 working days reading all of the digital privacy policies they agree to in the span of a year. Reading Amazon's terms and...

Do We Really Need Computational Thinking?
From Communications of the ACM

Do We Really Need Computational Thinking?

Considering the expression "computational thinking" as an entry point to understand why the fundamental contribution of computing to science is the shift from solving...

Tony's Law
From Communications of the ACM

Tony's Law

Seeking to promote regulations for reliable software for the long-term prosperity of the software industry.

Writing a Test Plan
From Communications of the ACM

Writing a Test Plan

Establish your hypotheses, methodologies, and expected results.

How Computer Science at CMU Is Attracting and Retaining Women
From Communications of the ACM

How Computer Science at CMU Is Attracting and Retaining Women

Carnegie Mellon University's successful efforts enrolling, sustaining, and graduating women in computer science challenge the belief in a gender divide in CS education...

Tech Giants, Gorging on AI Professors Is Bad for You
From ACM Opinion

Tech Giants, Gorging on AI Professors Is Bad for You

In an essay written in 1833, the British economist William Forster Lloyd made a profound observation using the example of cattle grazing.

The Search for Anti-Conservative Bias on Google
From ACM Opinion

The Search for Anti-Conservative Bias on Google

Last Wednesday, a day after Google's C.E.O., Sundar Pichai, sat before the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions about the company's search engine,Donald...
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