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American Schools Are Teaching Our Kids How to Code All Wrong
From ACM Opinion

American Schools Are Teaching Our Kids How to Code All Wrong

The US Department of Labor projects that one million jobs in computing will go unfilled by 2020.

A Byte Is All We Need
From Communications of the ACM

A Byte Is All We Need

A teenager explores ways to attract girls into the magical world of computer science.

Privacy Is Dead, Long Live Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

Privacy Is Dead, Long Live Privacy

Protecting social norms as confidentiality wanes.

Computer Science Should Stay Young
From Communications of the ACM

Computer Science Should Stay Young

Seeking to improve computer science publication culture while retaining the best aspects of the conference and journal publication processes.

An Interview with Yale Patt
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Yale Patt

ACM Fellow Professor Yale Patt reflects on his career in industry and academia.

How to Produce Innovations
From Communications of the ACM

How to Produce Innovations

Making innovations happen is surprisingly easy, satisfying, and rewarding if you start small and build up.

To Write Better Code, Read Virginia Woolf
From ACM Opinion

To Write Better Code, Read Virginia Woolf

The humanities are kaput. Sorry, liberal arts cap-and-gowners. You blew it. In a software-run world, what's wanted are more engineers.

My 10 Favorite Books: Bill Gates
From ACM Opinion

My 10 Favorite Books: Bill Gates

"Seveneves," Neal Stephenson: This novel about how the human race responds to the end of life on Earth rekindled my love for sci-fi. Some readers will lose patience...

Should We Synthesise a Human Genome?
From ACM Opinion

Should We Synthesise a Human Genome?

At Harvard today, an invitation-only group of about 150 scientists, lawyers, and entrepreneurs, met to discuss if and how to construct from scratch an entire human...

After Three Weeks in China, It's Clear Beijing Is Silicon Valley's Only True Competitor
From ACM Opinion

After Three Weeks in China, It's Clear Beijing Is Silicon Valley's Only True Competitor

After selling my startup, Shopkick, to SK Planet in 2014, and handing over my CEO role a year later, I packed up my 1- and 3-year-old sons and my wife Angel, and...

How Wooden Toys Teach Kids to Code
From ACM Opinion

How Wooden Toys Teach Kids to Code

Like most parents,  I want my young children to be prepared for the future—one in which knowing how to program a computer will be a basic skill, like clicking "Skip...

Is the Tech Bubble Popping? Ping Pong Offers an Answer
From ACM Careers

Is the Tech Bubble Popping? Ping Pong Offers an Answer

Twitter's gloomy quarterly report last week unsettled investors. They might have anticipated trouble more than a year ago had they noticed one key indicator.

Who's Downloading Pirated Papers? Everyone
From ACM Opinion

Who's Downloading Pirated Papers? Everyone

In increasing numbers, researchers around the world are turning to Sci-Hub, the world's largest pirate website for scholarly literature, to access research papers...

Preserving Hybrid Objects
From Communications of the ACM

Preserving Hybrid Objects

Brutal lessons from contemporary art.

Beyond Blocks
From Communications of the ACM

Beyond Blocks: Syntax and Semantics

How the future of general-purpose programming tools could include blocks-based structured editing, and how we should study students transitioning to text-based...

The Internet of Things We Don't Own?
From Communications of the ACM

The Internet of Things We Don't Own?

Who will control the 'ordinary pursuits of life' in the digital economy?

What Cyberwar Against Isis Should Look Like
From ACM Opinion

What Cyberwar Against Isis Should Look Like

Pentagon officials have publicly said, in recent weeks, that they're hitting ISIS not only with bullets and bombs but also with cyberoffensive operations.

You Pay to Read Research You Fund. That's Ludicrous
From ACM Opinion

You Pay to Read Research You Fund. That's Ludicrous

In 2011, developer and researcher Alexandra Elbakyan launched Sci-Hub, an online archive that shares research articles freely and openly without paywalls or restrictions...

The Internet Archive, Bricks and Mortar Version
From ACM Opinion

The Internet Archive, Bricks and Mortar Version

A heavily rusted cast iron ring sits on a bookshelf inside a neoclassical church a few blocks north of San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. The ring is about an inch...

Synthetic Biology Is … Complex. But This Exhibit Makes It a Blast
From ACM Opinion

Synthetic Biology Is … Complex. But This Exhibit Makes It a Blast

It takes at least a master's degree to fully understand synthetic biology, but grasping its importance requires far less.
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