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Technology and Academic Lives
From Communications of the ACM

Technology and Academic Lives

Considering the need to create new modes of interaction and approaches to assessment given a rapidly evolving academic realm.

Time to Reinspect the Foundations?
From Communications of the ACM

Time to Reinspect the Foundations?

Questioning if computer science is outgrowing its traditional foundations.

Growing Computer Science Education Into a STEM Education Discipline
From Communications of the ACM

Growing Computer Science Education Into a STEM Education Discipline

Seeking to make computing education as available as mathematics or science education.

Fair Use Prevails in <i>Oracle v. Google</i>
From Communications of the ACM

Fair Use Prevails in Oracle v. Google

Two software giants continue with legal sparring after an initial judicial decision.

Who Oversees Data Brokers Selling Your Personal Info? No One
From ACM Opinion

Who Oversees Data Brokers Selling Your Personal Info? No One

You probably already know that you have precious little privacy, and that shadowy data brokers have built the buying and selling of people’s personal information...

The Decline in Chinese Cyberattacks: The Story Behind the Numbers
From ACM Opinion

The Decline in Chinese Cyberattacks: The Story Behind the Numbers

Last summer, an audience of government officials, military personnel, and foreign ambassadors gathered in Aspen, Colorado, to hear John Carlin, then an assistant...

Vulnerability Is the Internet's Original Sin
From ACM Opinion

Vulnerability Is the Internet's Original Sin

On the day (perhaps not long from now) when the entire internet crashes, no one will be able to say that we didn’t see it coming.

A.i. Inspiration: The Science Fiction That Frames Discussion
From ACM Opinion

A.i. Inspiration: The Science Fiction That Frames Discussion

Science fiction comes up often in serious discussions about artificial intelligence and weapons.

Mark Zuckerberg's Long March to China
From ACM Opinion

Mark Zuckerberg's Long March to China

For U.S. Internet businesses, China is the land of moral defeat.

Whoever Wins the White House, This Year's Big Loser Is Email
From ACM Opinion

Whoever Wins the White House, This Year's Big Loser Is Email

Every four years, pundits race to anoint this or that newfangled tech trend as the next disruptive force to forever alter the mechanics of American democracy.

Hey Silicon Valley: President Obama Has a To-Do List For You
From ACM Opinion

Hey Silicon Valley: President Obama Has a To-Do List For You

Ask not what the government can do for Silicon Valley; ask what Silicon Valley can do for the government.

Algorithms Aren't Biased, But the People Who Write Them May Be
From ACM Opinion

Algorithms Aren't Biased, But the People Who Write Them May Be

A provocative new book called "Weapons of Math Destruction" has inspired some charged headlines. But author Cathy O'Neil's message is subtle: Math isn't biased....

George Orwell Never Dreamed of Advertising as Invasive as Yahoo's Proposal
From ACM Opinion

George Orwell Never Dreamed of Advertising as Invasive as Yahoo's Proposal

Yahoo wants to take advertising to the next level—that is, the Orwellian level—bombarding people in public places with targeted advertising served up by the surveillance...

There Is a Blind Spot in AI Research
From ACM Opinion

There Is a Blind Spot in AI Research

This week, the White House published its report on the future of artificial intelligence (AI)—a product of four workshops held between May and July 2016 in Seattle...

Russian Hacking Crisis Tests Obama's Nerve
From ACM Opinion

Russian Hacking Crisis Tests Obama's Nerve

President Barack Obama came under immediate pressure Friday night to punish Russia for hacking into US political institutions—with calls to rally European allies...

Surveillance in the Post-Obama Era
From ACM Opinion

Surveillance in the Post-Obama Era

During his 2008 campaign, President Obama vowed to assert greater oversight of the massive surveillance apparatus built in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, arguing...

Google Is Listening
From ACM Opinion

Google Is Listening

You know the cliché that if you're not paying for the product, you are the product?

Would It Be Ethical to Implant False Memories in Therapy?
From ACM Opinion

Would It Be Ethical to Implant False Memories in Therapy?

Take a moment to remember an event that you experienced as a child.

Y2k 2.0: Is the ­.s. Government Set to 'give Away the Internet' Saturday?
From ACM Opinion

Y2k 2.0: Is the ­.s. Government Set to 'give Away the Internet' Saturday?

Remember the projected Y2K bug disaster? The world's computers would supposedly go haywire as the clock ticked to January 1, 2000, thus destroying the world and...

Grading the Presidential Candidates on Science
From ACM Opinion

Grading the Presidential Candidates on Science

Two weeks ago, Scientific American asked for your help in grading the presidential candidates on their answers to 20 questions about various aspects of scientific...
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