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The Room Where the Internet Was Born
From ACM Opinion

The Room Where the Internet Was Born

Starting a cross-country drive to New York in Los Angeles is pretty inconvenient, unless your cross-country drive is also a vision quest to see the Internet.

A Radical Proposal: Replace Hard Disks with Dram
From ACM Opinion

A Radical Proposal: Replace Hard Disks with Dram

When it comes to computer storage, the magnetic disk has been top dog for almost half a century.

These 5 Facts Explain the Rise of the Drone
From ACM Opinion

These 5 Facts Explain the Rise of the Drone

The October 15 release of the so-called Drone Papers, leaked reports that appear to document the U.S. use of drone aircraft for military purposes, has given the...

We Don't Need Humans on Mars
From ACM Opinion

We Don't Need Humans on Mars

The two mobile robots Spirit and Opportunity were launched from Earth in 2003 and arrived on opposite sides of Mars in 2004. A suite of cameras, instruments, and...

Programming in K-12 Science Classrooms
From Communications of the ACM

Programming in K-12 Science Classrooms

Introducing students to visual programming as a pathway to text-based programming.

Hackers Make Cars Safer. Don't Ban Them From Tinkering
From ACM Opinion

Hackers Make Cars Safer. Don't Ban Them From Tinkering

Virtually every new car sold today has some sort of network connection.

Why Companies Won't Learn From the T-Mobile/experian Hack
From ACM Opinion

Why Companies Won't Learn From the T-Mobile/experian Hack

Last Thursday, John Legere, the C.E.O. of T-Mobile, joined the ranks of the dozens of chief executives who, in the past few years, have had to inform their customers...

Apple's 3d Touch Is the Start of a New Interface Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Apple's 3d Touch Is the Start of a New Interface Revolution

If you want to understand the potential of 3D Touch, the new of method of tapping and pressing on the screens of the latest iPhones, forget about the marketing...

Two Paths Toward Our Robot Future
From ACM Opinion

Two Paths Toward Our Robot Future

In 1970, Life magazine published an article about a Stanford University research project that had resulted in the construction of what it called the first-ever...

How to Get to Mars ... And Maybe Even Live There
From ACM Opinion

How to Get to Mars ... And Maybe Even Live There

There's something about the Red Planet—so close yet so far, inhospitable yet perhaps not totally uninhabitable—that keeps us dreaming about getting there one day...

Modelling: Build Imprecise Supercomputers
From ACM Opinion

Modelling: Build Imprecise Supercomputers

Today's supercomputers lack the power to model accurately many aspects of the real world, from the impact of cloud systems on Earth's climate to the processing...

Searching For Life in Martian Water Will Be Very, Very Tricky
From ACM Opinion

Searching For Life in Martian Water Will Be Very, Very Tricky

NASA scientists announced today the best evidence yet that Mars, once thought dry, sterile and dead, may yet have life in it: Liquid water still flows on at least...

Openbci: Control An Air Shark With Your Mind
From ACM Opinion

Openbci: Control An Air Shark With Your Mind

Le's be clear: This is a parlor trick, not neuroscience. Nonetheless, with the help of some friends, I was able to make a toy shark fly through the air using brain...

Life After MOOCs
From Communications of the ACM

Life After MOOCs

Online science education needs a new revolution.

Thinking Thoughts
From Communications of the ACM

Thinking Thoughts

On brains and bytes.

Storming the Cubicle
From Communications of the ACM

Storming the Cubicle

Acquisitive redux.

In Defense of IBM
From Communications of the ACM

In Defense of IBM

The ability to adjust to various technical and business disruptions has been essential to IBM's success during the past century.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love A.i.
From ACM Opinion

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love A.i.

The distinction between man and machine is under siege.

Tomorrow's Terrorist
From ACM Opinion

Tomorrow's Terrorist

Terrorism is a game of both revolution and evolution.

The False Science of Cryonics
From ACM Opinion

The False Science of Cryonics

I woke up on Saturday to a heartbreaking front-page article in the New York Times about a terminally ill young woman who chooses to freeze her brain.
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