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What Is Wrong with ChatGPT?
From ACM Opinion

What Is Wrong with ChatGPT?

AI is being designed and deployed by corporate America in ways that will disempower and displace workers and degrade the consumer experience.

U.S. Science and Technology Offer Hope for the Future
From ACM Opinion

U.S. Science and Technology Offer Hope for the Future

The scientific advances announced in recent months are thrilling, capable of sustaining our economic and military competitiveness for decades to come.

Stop Passing the Buck on Cybersecurity
From ACM Opinion

Stop Passing the Buck on Cybersecurity

Why companies must build safety into tech products.

Machines Learn Better if We Teach Them the Basics
From ACM Opinion

Machines Learn Better if We Teach Them the Basics

A wave of research improves reinforcement learning algorithms by pre-training them as if they were human.

ChatGPT: Five Priorities for Research
From ACM Opinion

ChatGPT: Five Priorities for Research

Conversational AI is a game-changer for science; here's how to respond.

"Conversational" AI Is Really Bad at Conversations
From ACM Opinion

"Conversational" AI Is Really Bad at Conversations

Conversation without change is just a five-finger exercise.

Yann LeCun: ChatGPT 'Not Particularly Innovative'
From ACM Opinion

Yann LeCun: ChatGPT 'Not Particularly Innovative'

Deep learning pioneer says many research labs are using the same techniques and doing the same kind of work.

The Computer Scientist Who Finds Life Lessons in Games
From ACM Opinion

The Computer Scientist Who Finds Life Lessons in Games

In Shang-Hua Teng's work, theoretical and practical questions have long been intertwined. Now he's turning his focus to the impractical.

The Economy Is Down, but AI Is Hot
From ACM Opinion

The Economy Is Down, but AI Is Hot

Where do we go from here?

It Is Time to Have a Group Chat about AI
From ACM Opinion

It Is Time to Have a Group Chat about AI

We need to seriously consider how to regulate the use of AI—long before it can replace the functions of tens of millions to billions of people.

Human Values for Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Human Values for Artificial Intelligence

We must act now to ensure that AI's development is guided by human-centric principles.

The Battle Over Women's Data
From ACM Opinion

The Battle Over Women's Data

In a post-Roe world, bodily autonomy must include control over personal data.

U.K. Online Safety Bill Is Doomed to Fail
From ACM Opinion

U.K. Online Safety Bill Is Doomed to Fail

Draft legislation suffers from mission creep, internal contradictions, and a dire lack of clear definitions.

An Analysis of Black Faculty in CS Research Departments
From Communications of the ACM

An Analysis of Black Faculty in CS Research Departments

Exploring Black faculty at computer science research departments where Ph.D. programs exist.

The Premature Obituary of Programming
From Communications of the ACM

The Premature Obituary of Programming

Why deep learning will not replace programming.

Building Machine Learning Models Like Open Source Software
From Communications of the ACM

Building Machine Learning Models Like Open Source Software

Proposing a community-based system for model development.

Software Engineering of Machine Learning Systems
From Communications of the ACM

Software Engineering of Machine Learning Systems

Seeking to make machine learning more dependable.

Ethical AI is Not about AI
From Communications of the ACM

Ethical AI is Not about AI

The equation Ethics + AI = Ethical AI is questionable.

The Elephant in the Room
From Communications of the ACM

The Elephant in the Room

It is time to get the POSIX elephant off our necks.

Four Ways to Add Active Learning to Computing Courses
From Communications of the ACM

Four Ways to Add Active Learning to Computing Courses

How active-learning techniques can benefit students in computing courses.
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