One of the most popular and successful approaches to estimating software projects is the Putnam model. Developed in the 1970s by...Phillip G. Armour From Communications of the ACM | June 1, 2011
Considerable progress has been made toward the formation of a computing profession since we started tracking it in this column a decade ago.
Peter J. Denning, Dennis J. Frailey From Communications of the ACM | June 1, 2011
Highlighting the significance of the often overlooked underlying software used to produce research results.Juan A. Añel From Communications of the ACM | May 1, 2011
Rethinking the design of computer science courses and broadening the definition of computing education both on and off campus.Brian Dorn From Communications of the ACM | May 1, 2011
Studying how privacy regulation might impact economic activity on the advertising-supported Internet.Avi Goldfarb, Catherine E. Tucker From Communications of the ACM | May 1, 2011
Since the beginning of the debate on network neutrality, and perhaps as an inheritance of that beginning, the controversy has been restricted...José Luis Gómez-Barroso, Claudio Feijóo From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2011
Programming is a creative endeavor, and therefore there is such a thing as coder's block. What does it take to clear the blockage?George V. Neville-Neil From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2011
Reflections on recruiting and training programmers during the early period of computing.Nathan Ensmenger From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2011
Successful global IT team managers combine general distributed team management skills enhanced with cultural sensitivity.
Fred Niederman, Felix B. Tan From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2011
Professionals overwhelmed with information glut can find hope from new insights about time management.Peter J. Denning From Communications of the ACM | March 1, 2011
A series of recent reports claim the U.S. education system is in a very severe crisis; others suggest the crisis is...Mark Guzdial From Communications of the ACM | February 1, 2011
With the amount of disk space available to the modern programmer, and the lack of parental supervision in most...George V. Neville-Neil From Communications of the ACM | February 1, 2011
Revisiting the need to educate professionals to defend against malware in its various guises.George Ledin From Communications of the ACM | February 1, 2011
Cyberterrorism is a concept that appears recurrently in contemporary media. This coverage is particularly interesting...Maura Conway From Communications of the ACM | February 1, 2011
You want to know how to get my attention?" Jason Kalich asked the audience rhetorically. "First off, don't bring me a good...Phillip G. Armour From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2011
The increasing volume of research data highlights the need for reliable, cost-effective data storage and preservation at the national scale.Francine Berman From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2010
While it is true that "programmers aren't English majors," there are many days that I wish they were, or that...George V. Neville-Neil From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2010