Samaira Mehta, 11, has quite a list of accomplishments under her belt.
Credit: Angela Lang / CNET
Samaira Mehta says she's just a normal 11-year-old. She likes strumming the guitar, singing and playing outside. But one thing makes Mehta stand out from other kids her age: She holds the title CEO.
At 7 years old, Mehta created a board game called CoderBunnyz that teaches basic coding concepts. Two years later, she launched CoderMindz, which she calls the "world's first-ever artificial intelligence board game." She is co-founder and chief executive of a company also called CodeBunnyz (her mom is co-founder) that sells both games, and companies like Walmart and Facebook have partnered with her to donate the titles to libraries and schools. The young Mehta is also the founder of Yes, 1 Billion Kids Can Code, an initiative that aims to get one billion kids into coding.
Mehta has led more than 150 coding workshops at companies like Google, Microsoft, and Intel. She's also spoken at more than 50 conferences.
In an interview, Mehta talks about what got her interested in coding, the challenges she faces as a young female, and why it's important for girls to be involved in STEM.
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