The latest Elementary and Secondary STEM Education report raises concerns about the state of STEM education in the U.S.
Credit: Christina S. Murrey, College of Education, University of Texas at Austin
The importance of a diverse STEM-educated workforce to the nation's prosperity, security and competitiveness grows every year. Preparing this future workforce must begin in the earliest grades, but the latest report from the National Science Board finds that the performance of U.S. students in STEM education continues to lag that of students from other countries.
Julia Phillips is a physicist and materials science researcher who chairs NSB's Committee on National Science and Engineering Policy, which oversees the congressionally mandated Science and Engineering Indicators report, also known as Indicators, in collaboration with NSF's National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics.
The latest Elementary and Secondary STEM Education report, the first of the 2022 Indicators reports, raises more concern about the state of STEM education in the nation and its potential impact on the economy and the U.S. standing in the world. Phillips discusses the key trends and their implications for science and education policy in the U.S.
From National Science Foundation
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