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AI Expert Weighs In on the Rise of Chatbots

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Photo shows Santu Karmaker, an assistant professor in computer science and software engineering in Auburn Universitys Samuel Ginn College of Engineering.

"My biggest hope for AI is that it will help humans process information at a large scale and speed and, therefore, help humans make better-informed decisions." -Santu Karmaker

Credit: Auburn University

What if a chatbot comes across as a friend? What if a chatbot extended what could be perceived as intimate feelings for another? Could chatbots, if used maliciously, pose a real threat to society?

In an interview, Santu Karmaker, an assistant professor in computer science and software engineering in the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering at Auburn University, takes a deep dive into the subject.

"Currently, we do not have a robust computational model for simulating human feelings/sensitivity, which is why AI means "artificial" intelligence, not "natural" intelligence, at least yet," said Karmaker.

From Auburn University
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