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Artificial Intelligence Is More Than Just Talk For Google's Top Inventor

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Google Director of Research Peter Norvig

"If you had the choice, you would go to an expert, ask a question and get a reasoned response, but maybe technology could do almost as good a job and do it faster," says Google Inc.'s Director of Research Peter Norvig.

Credit: Silicon Republic

Peter Norvig, head of research for Google, says that humans will soon be talking to computers. Norvig notes that humans and computers are already communicating, but are not using the same language. He explains that humans use keywords rather than whole sentences to communicate with a search engine, which is unable to understand a person as well as another human. "But on the other hand, [the search engine] is giving us answers that a person wouldn't, so it has its strengths and weaknesses," Norvig says.

Norvig also expects the proliferation of mobile phones to lead to a different type of interaction with the Internet. Speech recognition will allow mobile phone users to talk more and displays will shrink. "The advantages with mobile are that if you're in a specific location and you ask a specific query then — because of [global positioning systems] — there's going to be an answer that's appropriate to the location," Norvig says.

From Silicon Republic
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Abstracts Copyright © 2010 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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