Natarajan Chandrasekaran, CEO and Managing Director of Tata Consultancy Services
Credit: Tata Consultancy Services
Natarajan Chandrasekaran, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of India’s largest IT outsourcer Tata Consultancy Services, recently discussed technology trends in India.
Questions for Natarajan Chandrasekaran
Can India produce a Bills Gates?
Innovations will happen here when problems and the ecosystem come together. The ecosystem must be there—the research capability, the funding. So far, most people have been going abroad to do research. It’s a question of the right opportunity and going forward. Given the kind of opportunities that we have, more people will become entrepreneurs and will be willing to risk trying out new things, as opposed to simply taking on a job. It will happen. The U.S. has been investing and innovating for centuries; in that sense we are a relatively young nation.
From India Express
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