Two weeks ago, MIT's David Autor gave the prestigious Richard T. Ely lecture at the annual meeting of American economists in Atlanta. Introduced by the former chair...NPR From ACM Opinion | January 15, 2019
Cybercrime is expanding beyond computers and cellphones. Cars, washers and dryers, and even toasters are going online—an evolution of technology called the ...NPR From ACM Opinion | February 23, 2018
In 1984, two men were thinking a lot about the Internet. One of them invented it. The other is an artist who would see its impact on society with uncanny prescience...NPR From ACM Opinion | February 20, 2018
The same week that President Trump issued his hire American executive order, the president of one of China's top tech companies said his company wants to do the...NPR From ACM Opinion | April 21, 2017
Alex Gibney's new documentary, Zero Days, looks at the Stuxnet worm—a cyber weapon developed by the U.S. and Israel.NPR All Things Considered From ACM Opinion | July 5, 2016
For several decades now, Georgia Tech professor Tom Conte has been studying how to improve computers: "How do we make them faster and more efficient next time around...NPR From ACM Opinion | May 6, 2016
Guruduth Banavar is an executive at IBM leading the team developing a new generation of cognitive systems—don't call it artificial intelligence—known as Watson.NPR From ACM Opinion | October 19, 2015
Apple has long touted the power and design of its devices, but recently the world's most valuable company has been emphasizing another feature: privacy.NPR From ACM Opinion | October 5, 2015
From Rosie, the Jetsons' robot maid, to Arnold Schwarzenegger's cyborg in The Terminator, popular culture has frequently conceived of robots as having a human-like...NPR From ACM Opinion | August 24, 2015
From the self-checkout aisle of the grocery store to the sports section of the newspaper, robots and computer software are increasingly taking the place of humans...NPR From ACM Opinion | May 19, 2015
We associate technology with the shiny and new. But humans have been using technology to change the environment and themselves since at least the lower Paleolithic...NPR From ACM Opinion | April 27, 2015
The story of how the digital age came to be involves a cast of more than 40 people, ranging from a 19th century English countess to California hippies.NPR From ACM Opinion | October 7, 2014
You know when you dial a number, and a man reads you the exact time at the tone? That precise timekeeping starts at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C.NPR From ACM Careers | July 7, 2014
DC Comics, Tyson explains, approached him for permission to use the Planetarium—as well as his likeness—in a story where Superman witnesses the destruction of Krypton...NPR From ACM Opinion | December 7, 2012
In April 1981, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration launched a space shuttle program meant to take astronauts, cargo, research experiments and military...NPR From ACM Opinion | July 8, 2011