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authorMIT News

D. Fox Harrell on His Video Game For the #metoo Era
From ACM TechNews

D. Fox Harrell on His Video Game For the #metoo Era

In an interview, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor D. Fox Harrell discusses the development of Grayscale, a video game designed to make players sensitive...

Randolph Kirchain on the Spread of Electronic Waste
From ACM Opinion

Randolph Kirchain on the Spread of Electronic Waste

Randolph Kirchain, a senior research scientist in MIT's Engineering Systems Division, has long specialized in analyzing the raw materials used to manufacture new...

Sal Khan: 'i Love Learning'
From ACM Opinion

Sal Khan: 'i Love Learning'

"If there was a Ph.D. in learning everything, I would do that," the always-enthusiastic Sal Khan '98, MEng '98 said in a talk Wednesday at MIT's Kresge Auditorium...

Nate Silver Presents Forecasting Work as Antidote to 'terrible' Political Pundits
From ACM Opinion

Nate Silver Presents Forecasting Work as Antidote to 'terrible' Political Pundits

Celebrated political forecaster Nate Silver has shot to fame by letting the data speak loudly about elections.

3 Questions: A Web For Everyone
From ACM Opinion

3 Questions: A Web For Everyone

During the opening ceremonies of this summer’s Olympic games in London, a musical performance culminated with a stage-set house rising into the rafters to reveal...

Living in the Digital Ecosystem
From ACM News

Living in the Digital Ecosystem

LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman talks data mash-ups, entrepreneurship, and how his site keeps people honest.
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