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Yann LeCun's Bold New Vision for the Future of AI
From ACM Opinion

Yann LeCun's Bold New Vision for the Future of AI

One of deep learning's godfathers pulls together old ideas to sketch out a fresh path for AI.

Jeannette Wing: How Computing Has Transformed
From ACM Opinion

Jeannette Wing: How Computing Has Transformed

Data science expert talks about how trustworthy AI and causal reasoning can help society solve real-world problems

Stop Talking About AI Ethics. It's Time to Talk About Power
From ACM Opinion

Stop Talking About AI Ethics. It's Time to Talk About Power

AI scholar Kate Crawford explores the history of artificial intelligence and its impact on the physical world in her new book, Atlas of AI.

AI Pioneer Geoff Hinton: 'Deep Learning Is Going to Be Able to Do Everything'
From ACM Opinion

AI Pioneer Geoff Hinton: 'Deep Learning Is Going to Be Able to Do Everything'

Thirty years ago, Geoffrey Hinton's belief in neural networks was contrarian. Now it's hard to find people who disagree with him.

China vs. the ­S: Who Wins and Who Loses
From ACM Opinion

China vs. the ­S: Who Wins and Who Loses

Born in Beijing and educated at Harvard, Yasheng Huang, a professor at MIT's Sloan School of Management, is a keen observer of China's entrepreneurial efforts and...

The Man Turning China Into a Quantum Superpower
From ACM Opinion

The Man Turning China Into a Quantum Superpower

On September 29, 2017, a Chinese satellite known as Micius made possible an unhackable videoconference between Vienna and Beijing, two cities half a world apart...

AI Is Not 'Magic Dust' for Your Company, Says Google’s Cloud AI Boss
From ACM Opinion

AI Is Not 'Magic Dust' for Your Company, Says Google’s Cloud AI Boss

Andrew Moore is the new head of Google's Cloud AI business, a unit that is striving to make machine-learning tools and techniques more accessible and useful for...

Why Alibaba Is Betting Big on AI Chips and Quantum Computing
From ACM Opinion

Why Alibaba Is Betting Big on AI Chips and Quantum Computing

During the opening ceremony of Alibaba's 2018 computing conference last week, Simon Hu, president of Alibaba Cloud, invited the MC to taste some tea on the stage—but...

Hackers Are Out to Jeopardize Your Vote
From ACM Opinion

Hackers Are Out to Jeopardize Your Vote

Russian hackers targeted US electoral systems during the 2016 presidential election.

Why AI Researchers Shouldn't Turn Their Backs on the Military
From ACM Opinion

Why AI Researchers Shouldn't Turn Their Backs on the Military

More than 2,400 AI researchers recently signed a pledge promising not to build so-called autonomous weapons—systems that would decide on their own whom to kill....

To Protect Artificial Intelligence from Attacks, Show It Fake Data
From ACM Opinion

To Protect Artificial Intelligence from Attacks, Show It Fake Data

AI systems can sometimes be tricked into seeing something that's not actually there, as when Google's software "saw" a 3-D-printed turtle as a rifle.

Smartphones Are Weapons of Mass Manipulation, and This Guy Is Declaring War on Them
From ACM Opinion

Smartphones Are Weapons of Mass Manipulation, and This Guy Is Declaring War on Them

If, like an ever-growing majority of people in the U.S., you own a smartphone, you might have the sense that apps in the age of the pocket-sized computer are designed...

Oculus Chief Scientist Speaks About Virtual Reality in the Lab and on Your Face
From ACM Opinion

Oculus Chief Scientist Speaks About Virtual Reality in the Lab and on Your Face

While many of us are impatient with virtual reality—the best headsets are still too expensive, they need to be tethered to beefy computers, and there isn't all...

Forget Killer Robots; Bias Is the Real AI Danger
From ACM Opinion

Forget Killer Robots; Bias Is the Real AI Danger

Google's AI chief isn't fretting about super-intelligent killer robots. Instead, John Giannandrea is concerned about the danger that may be lurking inside the machine...

Why Google's AI Can Write Beautiful Songs but Still Can't Tell a Joke
From ACM Opinion

Why Google's AI Can Write Beautiful Songs but Still Can't Tell a Joke

Creating noodling piano tunes and endless configurations of cat drawings with AI may not sound like an obvious project for Google, but it makes a lot of sense to...

The President of Search Giant Baidu Has Global Plans
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The President of Search Giant Baidu Has Global Plans

Google and Facebook are household names around the world. Baidu? Not yet. Ya-Qin Zhang, president of China's leading search business, says Chinese companies can...

Nvidia Ceo: Software Is Eating the World, but AI Is Going to Eat Software
From ACM Opinion

Nvidia Ceo: Software Is Eating the World, but AI Is Going to Eat Software

Tech companies and investors have recently been piling money into artificial intelligence—and plenty has been trickling down to chip maker Nvidia.

How to Keep the Government from Breaking the Internet
From ACM Opinion

How to Keep the Government from Breaking the Internet

Telecommunications policy has been in flux since President Trump designated Ajit Pai the new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission in January.

Microsoft: AI Isn't Yet Adaptable Enough to Help Businesses
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft: AI Isn't Yet Adaptable Enough to Help Businesses

The AI revolution may take longer than some expect to spread from Silicon Valley into other industries.

This Entrepreneur Dares You to Hack His Gadgets
From ACM Opinion

This Entrepreneur Dares You to Hack His Gadgets

Serial entrepreneur Andrew "Bunnie" Huang believes that consumer product companies should make their hardware designs publicly available so that anyone can study...
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