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On the Future of Human-Centered Robotics
From ACM Opinion

On the Future of Human-Centered Robotics

A major theme in recent political discourse has been the perceived impact of robots and automation on the United States labor economy.

Eric Schmidt Discusses Computing, Ai, and the Future of Technology
From ACM Opinion

Eric Schmidt Discusses Computing, Ai, and the Future of Technology

Self-driving cars, the state of computer science research, artificial intelligence, and other topics were all on the table when MIT' CSAIL hosted Alphabet Chairman...

The Internet of Things Needs a Code of Ethics
From ACM Opinion

The Internet of Things Needs a Code of Ethics

In October, when malware called Mirai took over poorly secured webcams and DVRs, and used them to disrupt internet access across the United States, I wondered who...

President Trump's New Order Gives China Tech Opportunity To 'hire American' Too
From ACM Opinion

President Trump's New Order Gives China Tech Opportunity To 'hire American' Too

The same week that President Trump issued his hire American executive order, the president of one of China's top tech companies said his company wants to do the...

How to Build Your Own Moonshot Lab, According to Astro Teller
From ACM Opinion

How to Build Your Own Moonshot Lab, According to Astro Teller

From balloon-based Internet to self-driving cars, Astro Teller and his team have produced some of the world's most ambitious technology products.

This Entrepreneur Dares You to Hack His Gadgets
From ACM Opinion

This Entrepreneur Dares You to Hack His Gadgets

Serial entrepreneur Andrew "Bunnie" Huang believes that consumer product companies should make their hardware designs publicly available so that anyone can study...

Q&a with Ghanaian Science Luminary Promoting Math in the Developing World
From ACM Opinion

Q&a with Ghanaian Science Luminary Promoting Math in the Developing World

Alumnus Professor Francis Allotey has worked tirelessly to promote math, physics, and computer science in Ghana and Africa more widely. Now he is working with Imperial...

Crispr Pioneer Muses About Long Journey from China to Pinnacle of American Science
From ACM Opinion

Crispr Pioneer Muses About Long Journey from China to Pinnacle of American Science

Feng Zhang occupies a corner office on the 10th floor of the gleaming, modern biotechnology palace called the Broad Institute.

The Former Secretary of Defense Outlines the Future of Warfare
From ACM Opinion

The Former Secretary of Defense Outlines the Future of Warfare

To an engineer in Silicon Valley, the Defense Department can look a little old, a little slow, and a little fat.

Talk of Tech Innovation Is Bullsh*t. Shut ­p and Get the Work Done, Says Linus Torvalds
From ACM Opinion

Talk of Tech Innovation Is Bullsh*t. Shut ­p and Get the Work Done, Says Linus Torvalds

OSLS Linus Torvalds believes the technology industry's celebration of innovation is smug, self-congratulatory, and self-serving.

He Helped Create the 'google Brain.' Here's What He Thinks About AI Now
From ACM Opinion

He Helped Create the 'google Brain.' Here's What He Thinks About AI Now

Trucks that can drive themselves along delivery routes. Computers capable of defeating world champions in a notoriously complex game. Apps that can translate sentences...

Astro Teller, Captain of Moonshots at X, on the Future of Ai, Robots, and Coffeemakers
From ACM Opinion

Astro Teller, Captain of Moonshots at X, on the Future of Ai, Robots, and Coffeemakers

Astro Teller has an unusual way of starting a new project: He tries to kill it.

Trump's Plans to Shake ­p the Tech World
From ACM Opinion

Trump's Plans to Shake ­p the Tech World

Donald Trump's ascension to the White House had very little to do with his views on the spread of high-speed broadband, wireless spectrum allocation—or any number...

Richard Dawkins and Other Prominent Scientists React to Trump's Win
From ACM Opinion

Richard Dawkins and Other Prominent Scientists React to Trump's Win

This week the U.S. elected businessman and reality TV star Donald Trump as its 45th president. As Scientific American has reported in the run-up to the election...

Maths Becomes Biology's Magic Number
From ACM Opinion

Maths Becomes Biology's Magic Number

"If you want a career in medicine these days you're better off studying mathematics or computing than biology."

Why Big Pharma Wants to Collect 2 Million Genomes
From ACM Opinion

Why Big Pharma Wants to Collect 2 Million Genomes

Five months after announcing its intentions to gather genome sequences from 2 million people, pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has selected geneticist David Goldstein...

Q+a With The First Female Director Of Mit's Largest Research Lab
From ACM Opinion

Q+a With The First Female Director Of Mit's Largest Research Lab

Daniela Rus is the first female director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. From her post, she has witnessed and influenced a number...

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'

On a sleek white coffee table in Apple CEO Tim Cook's fourth-floor office in late July, beneath framed posters of Robert F. Kennedy, the Rev. Martin Luther King...

What Virtual Reality Is Good For
From ACM Opinion

What Virtual Reality Is Good For

After years as a punchline, virtual reality is enjoying a renaissance. Venture capitalists plowed $1.2 billion into virtual-reality and augmented-reality startups...

Google's Driverless-Car Czar on Taking the Human Out of the Equation
From ACM Opinion

Google's Driverless-Car Czar on Taking the Human Out of the Equation

You devoted your life to human-driven transportation, engineering SUVs at Ford and taking Hyundai (as U.S. CEO and president) to record levels of sales in the U...
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