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Remembering Mit, When There Were Just 50 Women in a Class of 1,000
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Remembering Mit, When There Were Just 50 Women in a Class of 1,000

When Radia Perlman attended MIT in the late '60s and '70s, she was one of just a few dozen women (about 50) out of a class of 1,000.

Everything You Need to Know About the Latest Bitcoin Crisis
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Everything You Need to Know About the Latest Bitcoin Crisis

The once-popular Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox has gone dark.

Are the Robots About to Rise?
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Are the Robots About to Rise?

It's hard to know where to start with Ray Kurzweil.

Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role
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Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role

Q. What leadership lessons have you learned from your predecessor, Steve Ballmer?

From ACM Opinion


It was a mild October day in Hollywood, but a trace of artificial snow remained on the ground as Neil deGrasse Tyson, the director of the Hayden Planetarium, at...

A Peek at Google's M&a Ambitions
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A Peek at Google's M&a Ambitions

Don Harrison became Google's head of mergers and acquisitions about a year ago.

Snowden Leaks: The Man Who Watches Over the Nsa
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Snowden Leaks: The Man Who Watches Over the Nsa

Whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations have revealed that a huge capability resides within America's National Security Agency to collect and analyse communications...

Dropbox Ceo Drew Houston
From ACM Opinion

Dropbox Ceo Drew Houston

Dropbox, the popular cloud storage system that lets people drag files to an icon that puts that data in the cloud and sync new versions across multiple devicesHiding...

Facebook Turns 10: The Mark Zuckerberg Interview
From ACM Opinion

Facebook Turns 10: The Mark Zuckerberg Interview

Mark Zuckerberg doesn't usually observe sentimental anniversaries.

Icann Ceo Sets Off Explosion of New Internet Names
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Icann Ceo Sets Off Explosion of New Internet Names

Starting next week, the Internet is going to look very different—and ICANN Chief Executive Fadi Chehade is the one who'll get both the credit and the blame.

­dacity Founder: Moocs Can Help the Economy, Even If They Can't Replace College
From ACM Opinion

­dacity Founder: Moocs Can Help the Economy, Even If They Can't Replace College

Sebastian Thrun was instrumental in building Google's self-driving car and Glass projects, and helped launch the company's Google X wing to spearhead "moonshot"...

How a Database of the World's Knowledge Shapes Google's Future
From ACM Opinion

How a Database of the World's Knowledge Shapes Google's Future

For all its success, Google's famous Page Rank algorithm has never understood a word of the billions of Web pages it has directed people to over the years.

This Company Sold Google a Quantum Computer. Here's How It Works.
From ACM Opinion

This Company Sold Google a Quantum Computer. Here's How It Works.

I thought it would be interesting to hear from D-Wave, a start-up that has raised more than $130 million in venture capital and employs over 100 people.

How Microsoft's 1 Percenters Balance Basic Research with Short-Term Success
From ACM Opinion

How Microsoft's 1 Percenters Balance Basic Research with Short-Term Success

When Microsoft launched its research labs in 1991, the personal computer was just beginning to blossom into a worldwide phenomenon, thanks in no small part to Windows...

James Kuffner, Google Robotics Researcher
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James Kuffner, Google Robotics Researcher

At a racetrack in Florida this weekend, 16 robots competed to complete a series of tasks inspired by challenges faced in cleaning up the destroyed Fukushima-Daiichi...

Nasa's Chief Scientist on Mars, Moons, and Money
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Nasa's Chief Scientist on Mars, Moons, and Money

Planetary geologist Ellen Stofan joined NASA in August as the agency's chief scientist, an overarching role in which she advises on the science of all NASA programmes...

President Obama Talks About Teaching Everyone to Code. This Professor Does It.
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President Obama Talks About Teaching Everyone to Code. This Professor Does It.

On Monday, President Obama kicked off computer science education week, encouraging every young person to acquire computer programming skills, even if they have...

For Steve Ballmer, a Lasting Touch on Microsoft
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For Steve Ballmer, a Lasting Touch on Microsoft

On the eve of his exit as chief executive officer of Microsoft, after more than a decade on the job, Steve Ballmer is more than ever a CEO whose image does not...

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem
From ACM Opinion

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem

At the stroke of midnight on December 10, 1993, an executive at id Software uploaded a file to an FTP site on the University of Washington's network.

The Rise and Fall of Blackberry: An Oral History
From ACM Opinion

The Rise and Fall of Blackberry: An Oral History

In 1984, Mike Lazaridis, an engineering student at the University of Waterloo, and Douglas Fregin, an engineering student at the University of Windsor, founded...
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