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The Myths & Realities of How the Eu's New 'right To Be Forgotten' in Google Works
From ACM Opinion

The Myths & Realities of How the Eu's New 'right To Be Forgotten' in Google Works

Is it true that anyone in the EU can have anything removed from Google and other search engines?

My Duolingo Learning App Can Reshape Education
From ACM Opinion

My Duolingo Learning App Can Reshape Education

Duolingo users are making new courses for people who speak Asian languages like Chinese and Hindi. How does that work?

Why the Death of Net Neutrality Would Be a Disaster For Libraries
From ACM Opinion

Why the Death of Net Neutrality Would Be a Disaster For Libraries

The Internet's eyes turned to the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday, as the panel approved a plan to consider allowing Internet service providers to...

Amy Robinson, Creative Director
From ACM Opinion

Amy Robinson, Creative Director

Amy Robinson pulls no punches.

Former Head of the Nsa and Commander of the ­S Cyber Command, General Keith Alexander
From ACM Opinion

Former Head of the Nsa and Commander of the ­S Cyber Command, General Keith Alexander

Recently retired director of the U.S. National Security Agency and commander of the U.S. Cyber Command General Keith Alexander was interviewed by Australian Financial...

The Wizard of Minecraft
From ACM Opinion

The Wizard of Minecraft

It's a wet monday morning in Stockholm, and the door to Markus Persson's office is closed.

Getting Everyday Objects to Think
From ACM Opinion

Getting Everyday Objects to Think

If the so-called Internet of Things ever becomes one of those proverbial next big things in technology, Thomas Lee, a card-carrying member of the cohort of big...

Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Future, From Virtual Reality to Anonymity
From ACM Opinion

Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Future, From Virtual Reality to Anonymity

No one ever accused Mark Zuckerberg of standing pat.

An Iphone Engineer-Turned-Game Maker Shares His Apple Story
From ACM Opinion

An Iphone Engineer-Turned-Game Maker Shares His Apple Story

Michael Lewis on Exposing Wall Street's Biggest High-Tech Swindle
From ACM Opinion

Michael Lewis on Exposing Wall Street's Biggest High-Tech Swindle

Flash Boys explores the world of high-frequency trading, a scheme in which traders use ultra-fast network connections to sniff out the intentions of other, slower...

Heartbleed: Developer Who Introduced the Error Regrets 'oversight'
From ACM Opinion

Heartbleed: Developer Who Introduced the Error Regrets 'oversight'

The developer who introduced the "Heartbleed" vulnerability to the open-source code used by thousands of websites has told the Guardian it was an "oversight"—but...

Three Questions For Eugene Kaspersky
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions For Eugene Kaspersky

The Moscow-based computer security firm Kaspersky Lab has analyzed major new kinds of malware, including Stuxnet, which four years ago was revealed to have damaged...

A Veteran Programmer Explains How the Stock Market Became "Rigged"
From ACM Opinion

A Veteran Programmer Explains How the Stock Market Became "Rigged"

A small group of financial firms are using their technological superiority to skim the top off the market, Michael Lewis claims in his new book "Flash Boys."

While Warning of Chinese Cyberthreat, ­.s. Launches Its Own Attack
From ACM Opinion

While Warning of Chinese Cyberthreat, ­.s. Launches Its Own Attack

The U.S. government has long complained about Chinese hacking and cyberattacks, but new documents show that the National Security Agency managed to penetrate the...

Facebook's Security Chief Talks Encryption Plan
From ACM Opinion

Facebook's Security Chief Talks Encryption Plan

Facebook has built its business upon the sharing of content between people worldwide, but protecting that data is a gargantuan responsibility—one that demands an...

Roomba Creator: Robot Doubles Need More Charisma
From ACM Opinion

Roomba Creator: Robot Doubles Need More Charisma

Colin Angle is co-founder and CEO of iRobot in Bedford, Massachusetts.

The Data Brokers: Selling Your Personal Information
From ACM Opinion

The Data Brokers: Selling Your Personal Information

Over the past six months or so, a huge amount of attention has been paid to government snooping, and the bulk collection and storage of vast amounts of raw data...

Bill Gates: The Rolling Stone Interview
From ACM Opinion

Bill Gates: The Rolling Stone Interview

At 58, Bill Gates is not only the richest man in the world, with a fortune that now exceeds $76 billion, but he may also be the most optimistic.

Social Physics
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Social Physics

Since 2001, the Human Dynamics Laboratory at the MIT Media Lab has used digital technologies—from home-brewed portable sensors to cellphone call records—to try...

Ballmer: Microsoft Missed the Mobile Market Over Last Decade
From ACM Opinion

Ballmer: Microsoft Missed the Mobile Market Over Last Decade

Microsoft Corp largely missed the mobile market in the last decade, its recently departed chief executive officer said Tuesday.
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