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Imagining a Cyberattack on the Power Grid
From ACM Opinion

Imagining a Cyberattack on the Power Grid

It's electrifying.

Tech Pioneer Vint Cerf on the Age of Context and Why You Can't Be a Citizen of the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Tech Pioneer Vint Cerf on the Age of Context and Why You Can't Be a Citizen of the Internet

Few people have as much claim as Vint Cerf to the title "Father of the Internet," but as the technologies he helped develop in the 1970s and 1980s become increasingly...

An Interview with Hadi Partovi
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Hadi Partovi

The founder discusses his first program, inspirations, and "seizing the day."

Owner of Snowden's Email Service on Why He Closed Lavabit Rather Than Comply With Gov't
From ACM Opinion

Owner of Snowden's Email Service on Why He Closed Lavabit Rather Than Comply With Gov't

Lavabit, an encrypted email service believed to have been used by National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, has abruptly shut down.

Attracting the Next Cybersecurity Pros
From ACM TechNews

Attracting the Next Cybersecurity Pros

Winnie Callahan, director for business, education, government, and health innovations at the University of Southern California Viterbi's Information Sciences Institute...

Pgp Inventor and Silent Circle Co-Founder Phil Zimmermann on the Surveillance Society
From ACM Opinion

Pgp Inventor and Silent Circle Co-Founder Phil Zimmermann on the Surveillance Society

Phil Zimmermann might be a technologist, but he tends to get philosophical when it comes to the issues of privacy and security and how they intersect with our society...

Lavabit Chief Predicts 'long Fight' with Feds
From ACM Opinion

Lavabit Chief Predicts 'long Fight' with Feds

Ladar Levison can't talk for legal reasons about the specifics of why he shut down Lavabit, his encrypted Web e-mail company, but he is hardly tight-lipped about...

Former Nsa Chief on Latest Leaked Dragnet Spy Program: It's Real, and It's Spectacular
From ACM Opinion

Former Nsa Chief on Latest Leaked Dragnet Spy Program: It's Real, and It's Spectacular

Does the NSA really operate a vast database that allows its analysts to sift through millions of records showing nearly everything a user does on the Internet,...

Tech Essentials: How Cory Doctorow Gets Around
From ACM Opinion

Tech Essentials: How Cory Doctorow Gets Around

The co-editor of Boing Boing, novelist and fellow at the Electronic Frontier Foundation shares his tools for circumventing censorship in airports, easing back pain...

Miscreants of the Internet Love to Torture Brian Krebs
From ACM Opinion

Miscreants of the Internet Love to Torture Brian Krebs

What is Brian Krebs?

Ars Speaks with Vocal Nsa Critic Sen. Ron Wyden
From ACM Opinion

Ars Speaks with Vocal Nsa Critic Sen. Ron Wyden

As a series of top-secret NSA documents have been leaked over the past several weeks, the issue of widespread government surveillance has been front-and-center...

Internet Inventor: No Technological Cure For Privacy Ills
From ACM Opinion

Internet Inventor: No Technological Cure For Privacy Ills

Is there technological solution for protecting people from online surveillance?

What Your Metadata Says About You
From ACM Opinion

What Your Metadata Says About You

As recently as a few weeks ago, "metadata" was an obscure term known mainly to techies and academics.

Intel's Justin Rattner on New Laser Chip Business
From ACM Opinion

Intel's Justin Rattner on New Laser Chip Business

Intel came to dominate computing by consistently beating others at packing transistors ever more densely onto chips for desktop computers and servers.

Google's Chief Legal Officer: Eight Things We Learned
From ACM Opinion

Google's Chief Legal Officer: Eight Things We Learned

David Drummond, Google's senior vice president of corporate development and chief legal officer, took part in a live Q&A on Wednesday to answer questions about...

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?

Weekend Edition Sunday Host Rachel Martin talks to Joel Brenner, former senior counsel at the National Security Agency, about whether the NSA can protect Americans'...

Dave Farber, Internet's "grandfather," Seeks to Cut Through Fog of Cyberwar
From ACM Opinion

Dave Farber, Internet's "grandfather," Seeks to Cut Through Fog of Cyberwar

Over the last few years, the rhetoric if not the actuality of cyberwarfare has been escalating.

Senator Rand Paul Talks Tech, Civil Liberties, and Keeping the Government Out of Your Email
From ACM Opinion

Senator Rand Paul Talks Tech, Civil Liberties, and Keeping the Government Out of Your Email

Rand Paul is having some problems with the jerks back at the office. So today he's bypassing them on a road trip through Silicon Valley.

Meet the Man Who Sold a Month-Old App to Dropbox For $100m
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Sold a Month-Old App to Dropbox For $100m

When Mailbox sold itself to Dropbox for a reported $100 million or so this March, the month-old iPhone app wasn’t even available to the public.

Microsoft's T.j. Campana
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's T.j. Campana

The Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit has been spearheading botnet takedowns and other anti-cybercrime operations for many years, and it has had remarkable success.
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