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Talking Software Obsolescence
From ACM Opinion

Talking Software Obsolescence

An interview with Ross John Anderson, professor of Security Engineering at University of Cambridge.

How ChatGPT Could Revolutionize Education
From ACM Opinion

How ChatGPT Could Revolutionize Education

Could an AI chatbot change learning forever?

An AI Bill of Rights
From ACM Opinion

An AI Bill of Rights

Suresh Venkatasubramanian, professor of Computer Science and Data Science at Brown University, discusses the "Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights" and more.

The Computer Scientist Who Is Boosting Privacy on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

The Computer Scientist Who Is Boosting Privacy on the Internet

Harry Halpin has helped create a new kind of network that might enable more private Internet conversations.

Open-Endedness and Evolution through Large Models
From ACM Opinion

Open-Endedness and Evolution through Large Models

A conversation with Joel Lehman, machine-learning scientist formerly of OpenAI and Uber AI Labs.

The Pope's AI Adviser on Ensuring Algorithms Respect Human Dignity
From ACM Opinion

The Pope's AI Adviser on Ensuring Algorithms Respect Human Dignity

Franciscan monk Paolo Benanti is the brains behind the Rome Call, a pact aimed at making sure AI is developed with ethics in mind.

I Was There When: AI Helped Create a Vaccine
From ACM Opinion

I Was There When: AI Helped Create a Vaccine

An interview with Dave Johnson, chief data and artificial intelligence officer at Moderna.

What Is So Great about Quantum Computing?
From ACM Opinion

What Is So Great about Quantum Computing?

A Q&A with NIST theorist Alexey Gorshkov.

Intel CEO Says Semiconductors Are Like Oil
From ACM Opinion

Intel CEO Says Semiconductors Are Like Oil

Increasing production in U.S. can help to avoid global crises, says Gelsinger.

AI Suggested 40,000 New Chemical Weapons in Six Hours
From ACM Opinion

AI Suggested 40,000 New Chemical Weapons in Six Hours

Drug-developing artificial intelligence invents 40,000 potentially lethal molecules in quarter of a day.

Crypto and Technology for the People
From ACM Opinion

Crypto and Technology for the People

Brown University professor Seny Kamara talks about the intersection between social responsibility and cryptography/technology

Antitrust Enforcers Are Not Going to Back Down
From ACM Opinion

Antitrust Enforcers Are Not Going to Back Down

FTC Chair Lina Khan talks outlines her vision for the future of antitrust enforcement

The Father of Web3 Wants You to Trust Less
From ACM Opinion

The Father of Web3 Wants You to Trust Less

Gavin Wood believes decentralized technologies are the only hope of preserving liberal democracy

China's AI Dream and the AI 'Arms Race'
From ACM Opinion

China's AI Dream and the AI 'Arms Race'

Stanford postdoctoral fellow discusses research exploring impact of AI in a possible U.S.-China power transition

How GitHub COO Erica Brescia Runs the Coding Gold Mines
From ACM Opinion

How GitHub COO Erica Brescia Runs the Coding Gold Mines

Tech leader discusses the state of GitHub's infrastructure, open source software philosophies, and more

Talking Secure Coding
From ACM Opinion

Talking Secure Coding

Security expert discusses the importance of secure coding, how to improve adoption, best practices, and more

Governments and Businesses Must Unite to Combat Ransomware Threat
From ACM Opinion

Governments and Businesses Must Unite to Combat Ransomware Threat

Cybersecurity expert says nations must stop sheltering bad actors in order to thwart threats and attacks

L. Peter Deutsch on the Fallacies of Distributed Computing
From ACM Opinion

L. Peter Deutsch on the Fallacies of Distributed Computing

How relevant are the fallacies today?

FTC Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter: Why Today's Data Privacy Approaches Don't Work
From ACM Opinion

FTC Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter: Why Today's Data Privacy Approaches Don't Work

The era of the Federal Trade Commission being dismissed as having some bark and little bite appears to be over.

An Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'
From ACM Opinion

An Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'

Veteran chip designer covers his past lives, Moore's Law, AI-designed chips, security, ethics, and more.
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