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Why High-Frequency Trading Doesn't Compute
From ACM Opinion

Why High-Frequency Trading Doesn't Compute

Wall Street is no autobahn. Traders pushing pedal to the metal risk hurtling into the Buttonwood Trees.

15 Technologies of Today We'll Still Be ­sing in 2030
From ACM Opinion

15 Technologies of Today We'll Still Be ­sing in 2030

Sure, we now have faster, smaller computers, smartphones that talk back to you, and smart TVs, but in so many areas of technology the pace of change is slower than ...

Trust: Ill-Advised in a Digital Age
From ACM Opinion

Trust: Ill-Advised in a Digital Age

Bruce Schneieer ordered a Coke, no ice, at the Rio casino on a Saturday afternoon. I ordered Diet Coke, also no ice, and handed the bartender an American Express...

Nasa Mohawk Guy Bobak Ferdowsi on Sci-Fi, Legos, and Becoming a Meme
From ACM Opinion

Nasa Mohawk Guy Bobak Ferdowsi on Sci-Fi, Legos, and Becoming a Meme

As space geeks watched nervously to see if NASA's Curiosity rover would land safely on Mars, many found themselves wondering, "Hey, who's that cool dude with the...

Meet Gauss, the Latest Weapon in the ­nfolding ­.s.-Israeli Cyberwar
From ACM Opinion

Meet Gauss, the Latest Weapon in the ­nfolding ­.s.-Israeli Cyberwar

To the steadily growing list of digital weapons that appear to have been jointly created by the combined resources of the U.S. and Israel, we can now add another...

Robot Master
From ACM Opinion

Robot Master

When you visit Manuela Veloso at Carnegie Mellon University, you're not guided to her office by a security officer or even issued instructions by a secretary at...

Why I Love Mars
From ACM Opinion

Why I Love Mars

Every now and then, I spend time on Mars. I dig my naked toes into the fine, red-orange soil, watch how it clings to my skin—and feel an incipient itch.

How Will Apple Restore Icloud Trust?
From ACM Opinion

How Will Apple Restore Icloud Trust?

After being on the receiving end of a truly awful hacking attack, Wired writer Mat Honan explained how it happened in detail. And he was very clear about two of...

How the Icloud Hack Happened and How to Avoid Being Next
From ACM Opinion

How the Icloud Hack Happened and How to Avoid Being Next

Mat Honan, the technology reporter who was digitally disemboweled this past weekend, has revealed exactly how he was so spectacularly owned. His case, a cascade...

How Cyber Security Could Be a Winning Issue for Obama
From ACM Opinion

How Cyber Security Could Be a Winning Issue for Obama

A blackout in Manhattan. A major dam failure. Mayhem at a chemical plant. Those are all potential, and entirely plausible, consequences of a cyber attack, according...

Seven Reasons Curiosity Is the Baddest Rover Ever
From ACM Opinion

Seven Reasons Curiosity Is the Baddest Rover Ever

While Curiosity was still flying through space, way before it landed on Mars, scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory were busy working with a clone rover back...

How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking
From ACM Opinion

How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking

In the space of one hour, my entire digital life was destroyed.

Why Drone Pilots Deserve Medals
From ACM Opinion

Why Drone Pilots Deserve Medals

The escalating dependence on drone pilots, as Maj. Dave Blair agonized in the May-June issue ofAir & Space Power Journal, is undercutting the ability to award combat...

His Other Car Is on Mars
From ACM Opinion

His Other Car Is on Mars

On Earth, Scott Maxwell drives his red Prius without paying much attention to the San Gabriel Mountains in the distance.

Meet the Man Who Put the '@' in Your Email
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Put the '@' in Your Email

Who invented email? That's a bit like asking, "Who invented the Internet?" Even those with intimate knowledge of its creation can’t agree on the moment it actually...

Here's Why Tablets (yes, Tablets!) Will Replace the Smartphone
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Tablets (yes, Tablets!) Will Replace the Smartphone

I'm sure to get the "you're off your rocker" commentary on this one, but I make a living by looking ahead in the world of mobile technology. And what I see now...

How Fbi Technology Woes Let Fort Hood Shooter Slip By
From ACM News

How Fbi Technology Woes Let Fort Hood Shooter Slip By

On November 5, 2009, an Army psychiatrist stationed at Fort Hood, Texas shot and killed 12 fellow soldiers and a civilian Defense Department employee while wounding...

Why Siri Is Still the Future
From ACM Opinion

Why Siri Is Still the Future

When Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S last year, the new phone looked just like the previous one. It had a better camera and a faster chip, but it could do only one...

Suggestions For an Apple Shopping List
From ACM Opinion

Suggestions For an Apple Shopping List

Question: What would you do if you had $117 billion?

Far from Silicon Valley, Tech Industry Finds an Oracle
From ACM Opinion

Far from Silicon Valley, Tech Industry Finds an Oracle

Anand Shimpi is one of the most influential tech industry figures you've never heard of.
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