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Xbox at 10 in Europe: How the Console Shaped Gaming History
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Xbox at 10 in Europe: How the Console Shaped Gaming History

The games industry was a very different place 10 years ago. Still dominated by Japanese games and Japanese games machines, Microsoft's plans to launch its own dedicated...

Was Our Interview with Lulzsec Hacker an Fbi Set-­p?
From ACM Opinion

Was Our Interview with Lulzsec Hacker an Fbi Set-­p?

In the early hours of 30 June last year, my time spent monitoring the Anonymous chat room finally paid off: "Sabu" would grant me an interview. 

Tv Makers Ignore Apps at Their Own Peril
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Tv Makers Ignore Apps at Their Own Peril

Every night, I get home from work, drop onto the couch and sit there surfing the Web or watching videos on my 3 1/2-inch iPhone screen. My big-screen HDTV sits...

The iPad Is ­nbeatable
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The iPad Is ­nbeatable

Imagine you run a large technology company not named Apple.

We'll Someday Accept Computers as Human
From ACM Opinion

We'll Someday Accept Computers as Human

Any author or filmmaker seeking ideas for a sci-fi yarn about the implications of artificial intelligence—good or bad—would be smart to talk to Ray Kurzweil.

Apple Pioneer Brings Emotion to Google+
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Apple Pioneer Brings Emotion to Google+

Andy Hertzfeld was ready to retire back in 2009, following a momentous 30-year plus career where he worked side by side with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak to design...

From ACM Opinion

Reading Over Your Shoulder: Social Readers and Privacy Law

My friends, who are generally well educated and intelligent, read a lot of garbage.

Cyberwar Is Already ­pon ­S
From ACM Opinion

Cyberwar Is Already ­pon ­S

In the nearly 20 years since David Ronfeldt and I introduced our concept of cyberwar, this new mode of conflict has become a reality.

Your Kinect Is Watching You
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Your Kinect Is Watching You

There is a wave of concern—completely justified, to my mind—over the privacy implications of our increasing reliance on Facebook and Google. What most people don’t...

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization
From ACM Opinion

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization

 It's been an action-packed two years since Jeff Jaffe took over as the World Wide Web Consortium's chief executive, but more action is the order of the day at...

International Reactions to Google's New Privacy Policy
From ACM Opinion

International Reactions to Google's New Privacy Policy

Google's new privacy policy took effect last Thursday, following several weeks campaigning to educate users on the changes. The policy will allow them to consolidate...

Schmidt: The Web Will Dissolve National Barriers
From ACM Opinion

Schmidt: The Web Will Dissolve National Barriers

Google's Eric Schmidt believes the Internet is breaking down national barriers. "Loyalty is not just to a nation but to friends and interests," Schmidt said in...

The Ipad 3 and the Future of the Web
From ACM Opinion

The Ipad 3 and the Future of the Web

It's easy to mock the excess enthusiasm the tech community has for new Apple gadgets—Wow! Look, it’s a new computer! At the same time it's just as easy to see why...

I Love You, Killer Robots
From ACM Opinion

I Love You, Killer Robots

It was way back in May 2010 that I first spotted the flying drones that will take over the world. They were in a video that Daniel Mellinger, one of the robots'...

Silicon Valley's Humble Billionaire
From ACM Opinion

Silicon Valley's Humble Billionaire

It's a Saturday afternoon in Palo Alto, Calif., and there goes David Cheriton, navigating the Silicon Valley suburb's tony downtown on his bike.

­.s. Senators: No Time to Lose on Strengthening Cybersecurity
From ACM Opinion

­.s. Senators: No Time to Lose on Strengthening Cybersecurity

Four U.S. senators sound a warning on cybersecurity, comparing the present to the days prior to September 11, 2001. The system is blinking red, and we are failing...

The Dark Side of Facebook
From ACM Opinion

The Dark Side of Facebook

Your social networking pages are being policed by outsourced, unvetted moderators from third-world countries paid just $1 an hour.

Here's The Best (and Prettiest) Way To See Exactly How You're Being Tracked Online
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Here's The Best (and Prettiest) Way To See Exactly How You're Being Tracked Online

Firefox-browser provider Mozilla has released an awesome new tool for seeing how you're being tracked on the Web.

From ACM Opinion

Why Driverless Cars Will Increase Tensions in Cities and Suburbs Alike

Driverless cars sound less and less like science fiction with each passing month, and that's prompted widespread discussion about how they might change society.

From ACM Opinion

Https and Tor: Working Together to Protect Your Privacy and Security Online

This week EFF released a new version its HTTPS Everywhere extension for the Firefox browser and debuted a beta version of the extension for Chrome. EFF frequently...
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