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Did Facebook Miss a Massive Opportunity By Building a Walled Garden Instead of a Truly Open Platform?
From ACM Opinion

Did Facebook Miss a Massive Opportunity By Building a Walled Garden Instead of a Truly Open Platform?

When Facebook first launched its platform strategy in 2007, it seemed as though a new world of opportunity had opened up for anyone interested in the social web—a...

Money Models For MOOCs
From Communications of the ACM

Money Models For MOOCs

Considering new business models for massive open online courses.

Ultra-Low-Cost Computing and Developing Countries
From Communications of the ACM

Ultra-Low-Cost Computing and Developing Countries

Raspberry Pi and its potential in the "global South."

The Air Gap
From Communications of the ACM

The Air Gap: SCADA's Enduring Security Myth

Attempting to use isolation as a security strategy for critical systems is unrealistic in an increasingly connected world.

Cherry-Picking and the Scientific Method
From Communications of the ACM

Cherry-Picking and the Scientific Method

Software is supposed be a part of computer science, and science demands proof.

Success in Introductory Programming
From Communications of the ACM

Success in Introductory Programming: What Works?

How pair programming, peer instruction, and media computation have improved computer science education.

Overt Censorship
From Communications of the ACM

Overt Censorship: A Fatal Mistake?

Censorship of information often has the opposite effect by drawing attention to the censored material.

Microsoft Is Doomed, But First It's Going to Make a Ton of Money
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft Is Doomed, But First It's Going to Make a Ton of Money

Microsoft stock lost about 10 percent of its value in the wake of a quarterly earnings report on Thursday that investors deemed sub-par. Yet revenue for the second...

Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales Explains Its Mission to Be Mainstream
From ACM Opinion

Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales Explains Its Mission to Be Mainstream

Wikipedia is expanding its major new "open data" initiative, expanding tools that allow developers to use its content on other websites and simplifying its editing...

Hands On the Wheel, Mind On the Road–not Cyberspace
From ACM Opinion

Hands On the Wheel, Mind On the Road–not Cyberspace

Makers of cars and mobile electronics are pushing a tempting vision of the future. It is one in which you can stay fully connected while driving.

E-Book Vs. P-Book
From ACM Opinion

E-Book Vs. P-Book

When Barnes & Noble announced, a couple of weeks ago, that its Nook division lost almost five hundred million dollars last year and that its C.E.O. was resigning...

Douglas Engelbart’s ­nfinished Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Douglas Engelbart’s ­nfinished Revolution

Doug Engelbart knew that his obituaries would laud him as "Inventor of the Mouse."

Nsa Can Reportedly Track Phones Even When They're Turned Off
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Can Reportedly Track Phones Even When They're Turned Off

The NSA has a diverse range of surveillance capabilities—from monitoring Google Maps use to sifting through millions of phone call records and spying on Web searches...

Your Creative, Open Hackathon Is Ripe For Legal Challenges
From ACM Opinion

Your Creative, Open Hackathon Is Ripe For Legal Challenges

NASA's Space Apps Challenge recently became the world's largest open hackathon, with over 8,000 participants spanning 44 countries.

Shutterstock's Chris Fischer: Making the Most of Open Source's 'huge Tech Edge'
From ACM Opinion

Shutterstock's Chris Fischer: Making the Most of Open Source's 'huge Tech Edge'

"Some of the most mature databases have been open-source-based. Also, the most mature Web servers in the market are open source software. Considering the . ....

Virtual Reality For Your Hands
From ACM Opinion

Virtual Reality For Your Hands

Computers already have keyboards. They have mice and touch pads. They even have touch screens. But is there room for a totally new interface?

Bradley Manning 'aiding the Enemy' Charge Is a Threat to Journalism
From ACM Opinion

Bradley Manning 'aiding the Enemy' Charge Is a Threat to Journalism

Thursday, Colonel Denise Lind, the judge in the Bradley Manning court martial, refused to dismiss the "aiding the enemy" charge.

Sebastian Thrun on the Future of Learning
From ACM Opinion

Sebastian Thrun on the Future of Learning

Sebastian Thrun has worn many hats in the tech world: Stanford research professor, founder of Google's X Labs, where he oversaw the development of self-drivingUdacity...

Meet the Designer Behind Some of the Web’s Newest Killer Fonts
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Designer Behind Some of the Web’s Newest Killer Fonts

Thanks to newer browsers and greater bandwidth, there's been an explosion of new Web fonts—tens of thousands of them over the last decade.

How to Be an Email Survivalist
From ACM Opinion

How to Be an Email Survivalist

In the early 2000s it was the height of geek fashion to run your own email server—then along came Gmail with two gigabytes of free storage and excellent spam filtering...
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