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How Algorithms Rule the World
From ACM TechNews

How Algorithms Rule the World

Christopher Steiner talks about his book, "Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World," which explores how the power of algorithms has spread far beyond...

Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing
From ACM Opinion

Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing

It has become fashionable in many architectural circles to declare the death of drawing. What has happened to our profession, and our art, to cause the supposed...

Samsung Defeats Apple (in South Korea and Japan)
From ACM Opinion

Samsung Defeats Apple (in South Korea and Japan)

Did Samsung really steal Apple’s innovations? It all depends on where you live.

From Smart to Genius: Will Design Define Future Gadgets?
From ACM News

From Smart to Genius: Will Design Define Future Gadgets?

In a pre-iPhone age, mobile phones came in all shapes and sizes. Remember the clamshell, candy bar, swivel, backflip, slider, dual-slider, lipstick, and, of course...

How Steve Jobs' Love of Simplicity Fueled A Design Revolution
From ACM Opinion

How Steve Jobs' Love of Simplicity Fueled A Design Revolution

Steve Jobs' interest in design began with his love for his childhood home.

10 Things We'd Like to See Tim Cook Do in His Next Year at Apple
From ACM Opinion

10 Things We'd Like to See Tim Cook Do in His Next Year at Apple

It's officially the anniversary of the day Steve Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple and let Tim Cook take the reins.

Connoisseur of Chaos
From ACM Opinion

Connoisseur of Chaos

As a high school student in a Detroit suburb in the 1990s, Russ Tedrake did not fit the standard profile of a future computer science professor.

The 'surround Computing' Era Is Just Around the Corner
From ACM Opinion

The 'surround Computing' Era Is Just Around the Corner

The 'surround computing' era is coming soon, according to Mark Papermaster, the chief technology officer of chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices.

Why You Should Probably Disable Java on Your Browser Right Now
From ACM Opinion

Why You Should Probably Disable Java on Your Browser Right Now

Hackers have found a flaw in Oracle's Java software that allows them to break into users' computers and install nasty malware, security experts report.

Massive Cyberattack: Act 1 of Israeli Strike on Iran?
From ACM News

Massive Cyberattack: Act 1 of Israeli Strike on Iran?

Talk in Israel of a military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities has reached a fever pitch.

Apple-Samsung Jury Foreman Recalls 'aha! Moment'
From ACM Opinion

Apple-Samsung Jury Foreman Recalls 'aha! Moment'

According to Velvin Hogan, the 67-year-old foreman of the jury in the U.S. trial between the Apple and Samsung, one of the turning points in group's journey to came...

Todd Akin and the Anti-Science House Science Committee
From ACM Opinion

Todd Akin and the Anti-Science House Science Committee

Aside from the sheer biological ludicrousness of Todd Akin's ideas on female physiology, one unsettling subplot to the debacle is his presence on the House of Committee...

From ACM Opinion

Apple Case Muddies the Future of Innovations

Apple's victory on Friday in a patent lawsuit against Samsung could, if upheld, give its rivals a kick in the pants to create more original products.

Apple's Big Win Over Samsung—what Does It Mean?
From ACM Opinion

Apple's Big Win Over Samsung—what Does It Mean?

History buffs will note that Apple scored one of the most lopsided victories since Agincourt on Tim Cook's one-year anniversary as the company's CEO.

The ­ncanny Valley of Internet Advertising
From ACM Opinion

The ­ncanny Valley of Internet Advertising

If you ask an Internet ad guy to defend himself—to explain why you, dear Web surfer, should feel comfortable letting him serve you ads based on everything you do...

Giving In to the Surveillance State
From ACM Opinion

Giving In to the Surveillance State

In March 2002, John M. Poindexter, a former national security adviser to President Ronald Reagan, sat down with Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the director of the National...

Our Favorite 'forgotten Tech'—from Beos to Zip Drives
From ACM Opinion

Our Favorite 'forgotten Tech'—from Beos to Zip Drives

We all know about the gadgets that get showered with constant praise—the icons, the segment leaders, and the game changers. Tech history will never forget the Altair...

Christopher Soghoian
From ACM Opinion

Christopher Soghoian

Christopher Soghoian sniffs out security holes and privacy shortcomings on the Web. Then he urges companies that are responsible—Google, AT&T, and Dropbox have...

One Year In: What We've Learned About Ceo Tim Cook
From ACM Opinion

One Year In: What We've Learned About Ceo Tim Cook

When Tim Cook was named permanent chief executive of Apple a year ago Friday, most discussion centered on what Jobsian qualities and trademark values Cook didn't...

New Guide from Eff: Keeping Your Site Alive
From ACM Opinion

New Guide from Eff: Keeping Your Site Alive

Denial of service attacks—flooding Web sites with traffic in order to make them unavailable to the public—have become an increasingly popular way to take down or...
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