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Why Hackers Aren't Afraid of ­s
From ACM Opinion

Why Hackers Aren't Afraid of ­s

Ask finance ministers and central bankers around the world about their worst nightmare and the answer is almost always the same: Sometime soon the North Koreans...

Misinformation and Biases Infect Social Media, Both Intentionally and Accidentally
From ACM Opinion

Misinformation and Biases Infect Social Media, Both Intentionally and Accidentally

Social media are among the primary sources of news in the U.S. and across the world.

Autonomous Vehicles Might Drive Cities to Financial Ruin
From ACM Opinion

Autonomous Vehicles Might Drive Cities to Financial Ruin

In Ann Arbor, Michigan, last week, 125 mostly white, mostly male, business-card-bearing attendees crowded into a brightly lit ballroom to consider "mobility."

Forget 'Techlash,' The Biggest Problem for Tech Is a Widening Transatlantic Rift
From ACM Opinion

Forget 'Techlash,' The Biggest Problem for Tech Is a Widening Transatlantic Rift

Like a geeky alternative to the ice bucket challenge, the latest global trend to go viral is railing on Big Tech.

Relax, Google, the Robot Army Isn't Here Yet 
From ACM Opinion

Relax, Google, the Robot Army Isn't Here Yet 

People can differ on their perceptions of "evil."

Pentagon Puts Cyberwarriors on the Offensive, Increasing the Risk of Conflict
From ACM Opinion

Pentagon Puts Cyberwarriors on the Offensive, Increasing the Risk of Conflict

The Pentagon has quietly empowered the United States Cyber Command to take a far more aggressive approach to defending the nation against cyberattacks, a shift...

The Erosion of Reality
From ACM Opinion

The Erosion of Reality

Let me say this upfront: I'm not convinced that 'superintelligent' AI are the most pressing threat from coming generations of deep learning machines.

The Inside Story of How AI Got Good Enough to Dominate Silicon Valley
From ACM Opinion

The Inside Story of How AI Got Good Enough to Dominate Silicon Valley

Alex Krizhevsky didn't get into the AI business to change the course of history.

Going To the World Cup? Leave the Laptop at Home
From ACM Opinion

Going To the World Cup? Leave the Laptop at Home

A Russian sports official earlier this year estimated that as many as 2 million people would flock to the country during the World Cup, the month-long celebration...

Self-Driving Cars Likely Won't Steal Your Job (­ntil 2040)
From ACM Opinion

Self-Driving Cars Likely Won't Steal Your Job (­ntil 2040)

The self-driving robots are coming to transform your job. Kind of. Also, very slowly.

Teleportation: Will It Ever Be a Possibility?
From ACM Opinion

Teleportation: Will It Ever Be a Possibility?

Star Trek has a lot to answer for.

Why Do We Care So Much About Privacy?
From ACM Opinion

Why Do We Care So Much About Privacy?

The reason you've been receiving a steady stream of privacy-policy updates from online services, some of which you may have forgotten you ever subscribed to, is...

Connected Cars Can Lie, Posing a New Threat to Smart Cities
From ACM Opinion

Connected Cars Can Lie, Posing a New Threat to Smart Cities

The day when cars can talk to each other—and to traffic lights, stop signs, guardrails and even pavement markings—is rapidly approaching.

To Build the Best Bots, NASA Happily Looks to Others Here on Earth
From ACM Opinion

To Build the Best Bots, NASA Happily Looks to Others Here on Earth

Costs of Snowden Leak Still Mounting 5 Years Later
From ACM Opinion

Costs of Snowden Leak Still Mounting 5 Years Later

Whistleblower or traitor, leaker or public hero?

Jurassic World: Can We Really Resurrect a Dinosaur?
From ACM Opinion

Jurassic World: Can We Really Resurrect a Dinosaur?

This summer, the fifth instalment of the Jurassic Park franchise will be on the big screen, reinforcing a love of dinosaurs that has been with many of us since...

The Many Shades of Bad Physics
From ACM Opinion

The Many Shades of Bad Physics

What happens when you see bad physics in the world? Does it make you angry? Does it make you laugh?

How We're Using Darwin's Theory of Evolution to Build Robots that Can Adapt and Learn on Their Own
From ACM Opinion

How We're Using Darwin's Theory of Evolution to Build Robots that Can Adapt and Learn on Their Own

The uptake of robotics technology is increasing at a startling rate.

Our Concerns About the Arrest of Abbas Edalat in Iran
From ACM Careers

Our Concerns About the Arrest of Abbas Edalat in Iran

129 experts in computer science, mathematics, and machine learning call for the release of their colleague, the Imperial College London professor who was arrested...

We Know You Hate the Internet of Things, but It's Saving Megafauna from Poachers
From ACM Opinion

We Know You Hate the Internet of Things, but It's Saving Megafauna from Poachers

For much of this decade, organizations seeking to protect wildlife have attempted to use emerging technology as a conservation tool, allowing small numbers of people...
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