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Communications of the ACM

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A Generation Lost in the Bazaar
From Communications of the ACM

A Generation Lost in the Bazaar

Quality happens only when someone is responsible for it.

Getting What You Measure
From Communications of the ACM

Getting What You Measure

There are four common pitfalls to avoid when using software metrics in a project management setting.

Managing Technical Debt
From Communications of the ACM

Managing Technical Debt

Shortcuts that save money and time today can cost you down the road.

Coding Guidelines: Finding the Art in the Science
From Communications of the ACM

Coding Guidelines: Finding the Art in the Science

Computer science is both a science and an art. Yet, when it comes time for implementation, there is a combination of artistic flare, nuanced style, and technical...

The Software Industry <i>is</i> the Problem
From Communications of the ACM

The Software Industry is the Problem

The time has come for software liability laws.

ACM CTO Roundtable on Mobile Devices in the Enterprise
From Communications of the ACM

ACM CTO Roundtable on Mobile Devices in the Enterprise

Finding solutions as growth and fragmentation complicate mobile device support.

The Most Expensive One-Byte Mistake
From Communications of the ACM

The Most Expensive One-Byte Mistake

Did Ken, Dennis, and Brian choose wrong with NUL-terminated text strings?

Arrogance in Business Planning
From Communications of the ACM

Arrogance in Business Planning

Technology business plans that assume no competition — ever.

Passing a Language Through the Eye of a Needle
From Communications of the ACM

Passing a Language Through the Eye of a Needle

How the embeddability of Lua impacted its design.

Does Deterrence Work in Reducing Information Security Policy Abuse By Employees?
From Communications of the ACM

Does Deterrence Work in Reducing Information Security Policy Abuse By Employees?

Methods for evaluating and effectively managing the security behavior of employees.

Weapons of Mass Assignment
From Communications of the ACM

Weapons of Mass Assignment

A Ruby on Rails app highlights some serious, yet easily avoided, security vulnerabilities.

National Internet Defense - Small States on the Skirmish Line
From Communications of the ACM

National Internet Defense - Small States on the Skirmish Line

Despite the global and borderless nature of the Internet's underlying protocols and driving philosophy, there are significant ways in which it remains substantively...

System Administration Soft Skills
From Communications of the ACM

System Administration Soft Skills

How can system administrators reduce stress and conflict in the workplace?

A Plea from Sysadmins to Software Vendors
From Communications of the ACM

A Plea from Sysadmins to Software Vendors: 10 Do's and Don'ts

What can software vendors do to make the lives of system administrators a little easier?

Finding Usability Bugs with Automated Tests
From Communications of the ACM

Finding Usability Bugs with Automated Tests

Ideally, all software should be easy to use and accessible for a wide range of people. However, software often falls short of these basic goals. We therefore need...

Collaboration in System Administration
From Communications of the ACM

Collaboration in System Administration

For sysadmins, solving problems usually involves collaborating with others. How can we make it more effective?

The Theft of Business Innovation
From Communications of the ACM

The Theft of Business Innovation: An ACM-BCS Roundtable on Threats to Global Competitiveness

These days, cybercriminals are looking to steal more than just banking information.

Sir, Please Step Away from the ASR-33!
From Communications of the ACM

Sir, Please Step Away from the ASR-33!

To move forward with programming languages we must first break free from the tyranny of ASCII.

Computers in Patient Care: The Promise and the Challenge
From Communications of the ACM

Computers in Patient Care: The Promise and the Challenge

Information technology has the potential to radically transform health care. Why has progress been so slow?

Seven Principles For Selecting Software Packages
From Communications of the ACM

Seven Principles For Selecting Software Packages

Everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask about the decision-making process.
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