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Communications of the ACM

Latest Practice

From Communications of the ACM

React: Facebook's Functional Turn on Writing Javascript

A discussion with Pete Hunt, Paul O'Shannessy, Dave Smith, and Terry Coatta

Industrial-Scale Agile
From Communications of the ACM

Industrial-Scale Agile: From Craft to Engineering

Essence is instrumental in moving software development toward a true engineering discipline.

The Power of Babble
From Communications of the ACM

The Power of Babble

Expect to be constantly and pleasantly befuddled.

Scaling Synchronization in Multicore Programs
From Communications of the ACM

Scaling Synchronization in Multicore Programs

Advanced synchronization methods can boost the performance of multicore software.

Research For Practice
From Communications of the ACM

Research For Practice: Distributed Consensus and Implications of NVM on Database Management Systems

Expert-curated guides to the best of CS research for practitioners.

Idle-Time Garbage-Collection Scheduling
From Communications of the ACM

Idle-Time Garbage-Collection Scheduling

Taking advantage of idleness to reduce dropped frames and memory consumption.

Dynamics of Change
From Communications of the ACM

Dynamics of Change: Why Reactivity Matters

Tame the dynamics of change by centralizing each concern in its own module.

Introducing Research For Practice
From Communications of the ACM

Introducing Research For Practice

Expert-curated guides to the best of CS research.

Bad Software Architecture Is a People Problem
From Communications of the ACM

Bad Software Architecture Is a People Problem

When people don't work well together they make bad decisions.

10 Optimizations on Linear Search
From Communications of the ACM

10 Optimizations on Linear Search

The operations side of the story.

Debugging Distributed Systems
From Communications of the ACM

Debugging Distributed Systems

ShiViz is a new distributed system debugging visualization tool.

The Singular Success of SQL
From Communications of the ACM

The Singular Success of SQL

SQL has a brilliant future as a major figure in the pantheon of data representations.

The Hidden Dividends of Microservices
From Communications of the ACM

The Hidden Dividends of Microservices

Microservices aren't for every company, and the journey isn't easy.

Should You Upload or Ship Big Data to the Cloud?
From Communications of the ACM

Should You Upload or Ship Big Data to the Cloud?

The accepted wisdom does not always hold true.

The Small Batches Principle
From Communications of the ACM

The Small Batches Principle

Reducing waste, encouraging experimentation, and making everyone happy.

The Flame Graph
From Communications of the ACM

The Flame Graph

This visualization of software execution is a new necessity for performance profiling and debugging.

Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes
From Communications of the ACM

Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes

Lessons learned from three container-management systems over a decade.

Use-Case 2.0
From Communications of the ACM

Use-Case 2.0

The hub of software development.

More Encryption Means Less Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

More Encryption Means Less Privacy

Retaining electronic privacy requires more political engagement.

Why Logical Clocks Are Easy
From Communications of the ACM

Why Logical Clocks Are Easy

Sometimes all you need is the right language.
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