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Communications of the ACM

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The Hyperdimensional Tar Pit
From Communications of the ACM

The Hyperdimensional Tar Pit

Make a guess, double the number, and then move to the next larger unit of time.

You Don't Know Jack About Shared Variables or Memory Models
From Communications of the ACM

You Don't Know Jack About Shared Variables or Memory Models

Data races are evil.

Creating Languages in Racket
From Communications of the ACM

Creating Languages in Racket

Sometimes you just have to make a better mousetrap.

I/O Virtualization
From Communications of the ACM

I/O Virtualization

Decoupling a logical device from its physical implementation offers many compelling advantages.

Postmortem Debugging in Dynamic Environments
From Communications of the ACM

Postmortem Debugging in Dynamic Environments

Many modern dynamic languages lack tools for understanding complex failures.

Coding Guidelines: Finding the Art in the Science
From Communications of the ACM

Coding Guidelines: Finding the Art in the Science

Computer science is both a science and an art. Yet, when it comes time for implementation, there is a combination of artistic flare, nuanced style, and technical...

The Software Industry <i>is</i> the Problem
From Communications of the ACM

The Software Industry is the Problem

The time has come for software liability laws.

Java Security Architecture Revisited
From Communications of the ACM

Java Security Architecture Revisited

Difficult technical problems and tough business challenges.

OCaml For the Masses
From Communications of the ACM

OCaml For the Masses

Why the next language you learn should be functional.

Abstraction in Hardware System Design
From Communications of the ACM

Abstraction in Hardware System Design

Applying lessons from software languages to hardware languages using Bluespec SystemVerilog.

The World According to LINQ
From Communications of the ACM

The World According to LINQ

Big data is about more than size, and LINQ is more than up to the task.

Verification of Safety-Critical Software
From Communications of the ACM

Verification of Safety-Critical Software

Avionics software safety certification is achieved through objective-based standards.

Arrogance in Business Planning
From Communications of the ACM

Arrogance in Business Planning

Technology business plans that assume no competition — ever.

Computing Without Processors
From Communications of the ACM

Computing Without Processors

Heterogeneous systems allow us to target our programming to the appropriate environment.

The Pain of Implementing LINQ Providers
From Communications of the ACM

The Pain of Implementing LINQ Providers

It's no easy task for NoSQL.

Passing a Language Through the Eye of a Needle
From Communications of the ACM

Passing a Language Through the Eye of a Needle

How the embeddability of Lua impacted its design.

DSL For the Uninitiated
From Communications of the ACM

DSL For the Uninitiated

Domain-specific languages bridge the semantic gap in programming.

Microsoft's Protocol Documentation Program
From Communications of the ACM

Microsoft's Protocol Documentation Program: Interoperability Testing at Scale

A discussion with Nico Kicillof, Wolfgang Grieskamp, and Bob Binder.

If You Have Too Much Data, Then 'Good Enough' Is Good Enough
From Communications of the ACM

If You Have Too Much Data, Then 'Good Enough' Is Good Enough

In today's humongous database systems, clarity may be relaxed, but business needs can still be met.

Scalable SQL
From Communications of the ACM

Scalable SQL

How do large-scale sites and applications remain SQL-based?
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