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Communications of the ACM

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Bringing Arbitrary Compute to Authoritative Data
From Communications of the ACM

Bringing Arbitrary Compute to Authoritative Data

Many disparate use cases can be satisfied with a single storage system.

Quality Software Costs Money - Heartbleed Was Free
From Communications of the ACM

Quality Software Costs Money - Heartbleed Was Free

How to generate funding for free and open source software.

Undergraduate Software Engineering
From Communications of the ACM

Undergraduate Software Engineering

Addressing the needs of professional software development.

Who Must You Trust?
From Communications of the ACM

Who Must You Trust?

You must have some trust if you want to get anything done.

Automated QA Testing at Electronic Arts
From Communications of the ACM

Automated QA Testing at Electronic Arts

A discussion with Michael Donat, Jafar Husain, and Terry Coatta

Finding More Than One Worm in the Apple
From Communications of the ACM

Finding More Than One Worm in the Apple

If you see something, say something.

Domain-Specific Languages and Code Synthesis Using Haskell
From Communications of the ACM

Domain-Specific Languages and Code Synthesis Using Haskell

Looking at embedded DSLs.

The Curse of the Excluded Middle
From Communications of the ACM

The Curse of the Excluded Middle

"Mostly functional" programming does not work.

Design Exploration Through Code-Generating DSLs
From Communications of the ACM

Design Exploration Through Code-Generating DSLs

High-level DSLs for low-level programming.

The NSA and Snowden
From Communications of the ACM

The NSA and Snowden: Securing the All-Seeing Eye

How good security at the NSA could have stopped him.

A Primer on Provenance
From Communications of the ACM

A Primer on Provenance

Better understanding data requires tracking its history and context.

Don't Settle For Eventual Consistency
From Communications of the ACM

Don't Settle For Eventual Consistency

Stronger properties for low-latency geo-replicated storage.

Rate-Limiting State
From Communications of the ACM

Rate-Limiting State

The edge of the Internet is an unruly place.

Major-League SEMAT
From Communications of the ACM

Major-League SEMAT: Why Should an Executive Care?

Becoming better, faster, cheaper, and happier.

Multipath TCP
From Communications of the ACM

Multipath TCP

Decoupled from IP, TCP is at last able to support multihomed hosts.

Scaling Existing Lock-Based Applications with Lock Elision
From Communications of the ACM

Scaling Existing Lock-Based Applications with Lock Elision

Enabling existing lock-based programs to achieve performance benefits of nonblocking synchronization.

The API Performance Contract
From Communications of the ACM

The API Performance Contract

How can the expected interactions between caller and implementation be guaranteed?

Eventually Consistent
From Communications of the ACM

Eventually Consistent: Not What You Were Expecting?

Methods of quantifying consistency (or lack thereof) in eventually consistent storage systems.

Node at LinkedIn
From Communications of the ACM

Node at LinkedIn: The Pursuit of Thinner, Lighter, Faster

A discussion with Kiran Prasad, Kelly Norton, and Terry Coatta.

Center Wheel For Success
From Communications of the ACM

Center Wheel For Success

"Not invented here" syndrome is not unique to the IT world.
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