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Communications of the ACM

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The Singular Success of SQL
From Communications of the ACM

The Singular Success of SQL

SQL has a brilliant future as a major figure in the pantheon of data representations.

The Flame Graph
From Communications of the ACM

The Flame Graph

This visualization of software execution is a new necessity for performance profiling and debugging.

More Encryption Means Less Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

More Encryption Means Less Privacy

Retaining electronic privacy requires more political engagement.
From Communications of the ACM Evolution of Structured Data on the Web

Big data makes common schemas even more necessary.

Accountability in Algorithmic Decision Making
From Communications of the ACM

Accountability in Algorithmic Decision Making

A view from computational journalism.

Non-Volatile Storage
From Communications of the ACM

Non-Volatile Storage

Implications of the datacenter's shifting center.

How to De-Identify Your Data
From Communications of the ACM

How to De-Identify Your Data

Balancing statistical accuracy and subject privacy in large social-science datasets.

Lean Software Development
From Communications of the ACM

Lean Software Development: Building and Shipping Two Versions

Catering to developers' strengths while still meeting team objectives.

Challenges of Memory Management on Modern N-UMA Systems
From Communications of the ACM

Challenges of Memory Management on Modern N-UMA Systems

Optimizing NUMA systems applications with Carrefour.

Fail at Scale
From Communications of the ACM

Fail at Scale

Reliability in the face of rapid change

Crash Consistency
From Communications of the ACM

Crash Consistency

Rethinking the fundamental abstractions of the file system.

Dismantling the Barriers to Entry
From Communications of the ACM

Dismantling the Barriers to Entry

We have to choose to build a Web that is accessible to everyone.

Natural Language Translation at the Intersection of AI and HCI
From Communications of the ACM

Natural Language Translation at the Intersection of AI and HCI

Old questions being answered with both AI and HCI.

Testing Web Applications with State Objects
From Communications of the ACM

Testing Web Applications with State Objects

Use states to drive your tests.

From the EDVAC to WEBVACs
From Communications of the ACM

From the EDVAC to WEBVACs

Cloud computing for computer scientists.

Low-Latency Distributed Applications in Finance
From Communications of the ACM

Low-Latency Distributed Applications in Finance

The finance industry has unique demands for low-latency distributed systems.

The Science of Managing Data Science
From Communications of the ACM

The Science of Managing Data Science

Lessons learned managing a data science research team.

Parallel Processing with <code>Promises</code>
From Communications of the ACM

Parallel Processing with Promises

A simple method of writing a collaborative system.

Go Static or Go Home
From Communications of the ACM

Go Static or Go Home

In the end, dynamic systems are simply less secure.

Hadoop Superlinear Scalability
From Communications of the ACM

Hadoop Superlinear Scalability

The perpetual motion of parallel performance.
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