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dateMore Than a Year Ago
author Geoffrey M. Voelker

Sora: High-Performance Software Radio Using General-Purpose Multi-Core Processors
From Communications of the ACM

Sora: High-Performance Software Radio Using General-Purpose Multi-Core Processors

Sora, a fully programmable software radio platform on commodity PC architectures, combines the performance and fidelity of hardware software-defined radio platforms...

Difference Engine: Harnessing Memory Redundancy in Virtual Machines
From Communications of the ACM

Difference Engine: Harnessing Memory Redundancy in Virtual Machines

Virtual machine monitors are a popular platform for Internet hosting centers and cloud-based compute services. But main memory is not amenable to multiplexed hardware...

Spamalytics: An Empirical Analysis of Spam Marketing Conversion
From Communications of the ACM

Spamalytics: An Empirical Analysis of Spam Marketing Conversion

We all receive spam advertisements, but few of us have encountered a person who admits to following through on an offer and making a purchase. And yet, the relentlessness...
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