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Communications of the ACM



Everything is a service
From Putting People First

Everything is a service

A long essay by Dave Gray, founder of the XPLANE/Dachis Group, explores the topic of the service economy from a user experience point of view. Make sure you read...

Design for digital context (white paper)
From Putting People First

Design for digital context (white paper)

Fjord, the digital design consultancy, has just completed a white paper called “Design for Context: Understanding How User Context is Evolving”, looking at the...

How much should people worry about the loss of online privacy?
From Putting People First

How much should people worry about the loss of online privacy?

Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal posted excerpts from a debate between Danah Boyd, Stewart Baker, Jeff Jarvis, and Chris Soghoian on privacy: “Privacy...

Announcement: Dataviz workshop in Torino, Italy
From Putting People First

Announcement: Dataviz workshop in Torino, Italy

On 12 to 17 December, the people of Better Nouveau plan Dataviz, an in-depth workshop on the visual representation of large datasets. Better Nouveau is an independent...

Tablets, sensors, foot boards and other gadgets for (French) seniors
From Putting People First

Tablets, sensors, foot boards and other gadgets for (French) seniors

As the first baby boomers turn 65 this year, high-tech is gradually making its way into the lives

The invisibility of ethnography
From Putting People First

The invisibility of ethnography

Tricia Wang reflects on the fact that ethnographic work is often invisible. One way to overcome this, she argues, is for ethnographers to find ways to visualize...

Social computing
From Putting People First

Social computing

The Foundation is a labour of love founded by Mads Soegaard in 2002, and in 2010, his wife, Rikke Dam, joined the project (and their exotic...

Out with the old, in with the new: a conversation with Don Norman & Jon Kolko
From Putting People First

Out with the old, in with the new: a conversation with Don Norman & Jon Kolko

Richard Anderson has interviewed many people on stage, but, he says, the best of these, for multiple reasons (some very personal), might have been the most recent...

Enabling codesign
From Putting People First

Enabling codesign

The term co-design refers to a philosophical and political approach to design best applied throughout the design life cycle. Codesign builds on the methods and...

Sketchnotes of Ezio Manzini at School of the Art Institute of Chicago
From Putting People First

Sketchnotes of Ezio Manzini at School of the Art Institute of Chicago

This past Monday evening, on an unseasonably warm night in Chicago, sustainability expert Ezio Manzini gave a thought-provoking lecture at the School of the Art...

On Culture and Interaction Design: an interview with Genevieve Bell
From Putting People First

On Culture and Interaction Design: an interview with Genevieve Bell

Recently Dianna Miller had a chance to talk to Genevieve Bell, anthropologist and researcher, and the director of Intel Corporation

Transforming behaviour change
From Putting People First

Transforming behaviour change

The RSA’s latest report, Transforming Behaviour Change: Beyond Nudge and Neuromania, argues for a more sophisticated understanding of the relationship between our...

From Putting People First


John Kolko reflects on design education and the importance of craftmanship in an article for Interactions Magazine. “Based on my experience reviewing portfolios...

GEM, Nokia
From Putting People First

GEM, Nokia

Nokia releases a new phone concept – Gem – which “revolutionizes mobile design by turning the entire handset into a touchscreen”. Launched on the 25th anniversary...

Smarter, better cyborgs
From Putting People First

Smarter, better cyborgs

Instead of augmenting reality, we should make technology more aware, argues Christopher Butler in this article for Print Magazine. “Though an initial AR [Augmented...

Sciences of human understanding
From Putting People First

Sciences of human understanding

Dirk Knemeyer has published a call to rely on foundational science(s) to better understand users. “The preponderance of research and publications on user studies...

Brief rant on the future of interaction design
From Putting People First

Brief rant on the future of interaction design

Interaction designer Bret Victor has published his “brief rant on the future of interaction design“. “To me, claiming that Pictures Under Glass [as in touch screens]...

Intel using soft sciences to help predict the future
From Putting People First

Intel using soft sciences to help predict the future

Larry Dignan discusses – in a conversation with David Ginsberg, director of insights and market research at Intel, and Tony Salvador, senior principle engineer...

Digital product strategy, gamification, and the evolution of UX
From Putting People First

Digital product strategy, gamification, and the evolution of UX

Greg Laugero writes about two trends that have recently entered the realm of digital product development. First is the incorporation of gaming concepts into products...

Jawbone releases UP, a wristband for tracking your wellness
From Putting People First

Jawbone releases UP, a wristband for tracking your wellness

Priced at $100, the device is a leap for Jawbone. And its aimed at nothing less than making its wearers happier and healthier. Fastco Design reports. “The UP wristband...
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