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Communications of the ACM



Big Data Fellowship Opportunity
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Big Data Fellowship Opportunity

Every year, AAAS administers the Science & Technology Policy Fellowship program, which brings over 200 scientists and engineers to DC each year to work for the...

A Manifesto for Smart Citizens
From Putting People First

A Manifesto for Smart Citizens

We, citizens of all cities, take the fate of the places we live in into our own hands. We care about the familiar buildings and the parks, the shops, the schools...

Book: Design Anthropology
From Putting People First

Book: Design Anthropology

Design Anthropology: Theory and Practice Editor(s): Wendy Gunn, Ton Otto, Rachel Charlotte Smith Bloomsbury Academic, 2013 304 pages Design is a key site of cultural...

The Internet of Things and the mythical smart fridge
From Putting People First

The Internet of Things and the mythical smart fridge

In this article for UX Magazine, Avi Itzkovitch explores the opportunities the Internet of Things presents to designers. Because the smart fridge is the cliché...

Who Commits Virtual Identity Suicide?
From Putting People First

Who Commits Virtual Identity Suicide?

Who Commits Virtual Identity Suicide? Differences in Privacy Concerns, Internet Addiction, and Personality Between Facebook Users and Quitters Stefan Stieger, Christoph...

Rescuing Infographics or Making them right
From The Eponymous Pickle

Rescuing Infographics or Making them right

Readers here know my impatience with what are called infographics.  More set up to look graphically impressive and clever than to inform.  I don't think they can...

On the Millennial Consumer
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the Millennial Consumer

In Time:  More intent on Browsing than on Splurging?" ... The millennial generation is easily the most studied demographic since their parents, the Baby Boomers...

Long Range Strategic Planning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Long Range Strategic Planning

In HBS Working Knowledge:  A quick look at long range strategic planning. I say that regardless if the work is not predictive, the path to achieving it is still...

Branded Google Glass Apps
From The Eponymous Pickle

Branded Google Glass Apps

Presenting Branded Google Glass Apps.  Another move forward?  " ... Google Glass may have just 10,000 users, but that hasn't stopped a handful of brands from developing...

Videos for My C# Class
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Videos for My C# Class

I've been creating short videos for my honors programming class. They are short and intended for my students to use for review. I’m not saying they are great but...

Office Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Office Design

Over the years have been involved in looking at office design.  Sometimes leading with advanced tech design, sometimes not.  Today, for the first time for a while...

From Computational Complexity


Every now and then we need new words and phrases come into our lexicon, like the unfortunate "twerking", but here's another "tl;dr", short for "too long; didn't...

Why I'm Not Taking a Vacation from Facebook
From updated sporadically at best

Why I'm Not Taking a Vacation from Facebook

The internet does not seem to like Facebook these days. Studies are coming out (for instance, this PLOS ONE study) suggesting that Facebook decreases happinesstaking...

P&G and Predictive Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G and Predictive Analytics

Nice example of the use of Predictive analytics by my alma mater.   " ... By converting to a smart building system that uses predictive analytics to detect building...

Y&R Says Consumers Lie
From The Eponymous Pickle

Y&R Says Consumers Lie

Not unexpected, but the details are impressive.  Full presentation." Secrets & Lies” Study from Y&R Revealsthe Hidden Side of Global Consumers A New Consumer Mainstream...

Who Wins in the New Economy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Who Wins in the New Economy

In Small Business Labs by Steve KingOutlines Who may  win in the new economy.Noted economist Tyler Cowen's Who Will Prosper in the New World discusses what type...

Tracking Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tracking Things

Received several offers about the Tile App.  A little tag you can put on things and then track and locate with your smart phone.   About $20 each.  Available by...

Sensors as Teenagers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sensors as Teenagers

In the Cisco Blog:  An excellent piece by Bill Franks of Teradata.  About the Internet of the things and how it will operate, and about the information it will ...

Yochai Benkler on the NSA
From Schneier on Security

Yochai Benkler on the NSA

Excellent essay: We have learned that in pursuit of its bureaucratic mission to obtain signals intelligence in a pervasively networked world, the NSA has mounted...

Monitoring the Future of Cloud Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Monitoring the Future of Cloud Computing

Recorded Future uses their novel Web semantic analysis methods to look at the future of Cloud computing.  Visually answering questions like: " ... As businesses...
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