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Communications of the ACM



<i>Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management</i>
From Schneier on Security

Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

I keep getting alerts of new issues, but there are rarely articles I find interesting.

Games Engaging Customers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Games Engaging Customers

In Innovation Excellence:  About game dynamics engaging your customers.   Includes a number of examples I had not heard of.   Also makes an often forgotten point...

Gamification and Sales
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gamification and Sales

An example of using Gamification for sales support.    " .... created a remote online customer sales chat platform that implements gamification to encourage remote...

Human/Machine Trust Failures
From Schneier on Security

Human/Machine Trust Failures

I jacked a visitor's badge from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, DC, last month. The badges are electronic; they're enabled when you check...

Pew: 86% of USA adults make efforts to hide digital footprints online
From Putting People First

Pew: 86% of USA adults make efforts to hide digital footprints online

Pew Research Center found that 86 percent of surveyed adult Internet users in the U.S. have made efforts to obscure their “digital footprints” — which could include...

Experientia designs mobile site for UN affiliate to promote mobile learning
From Putting People First

Experientia designs mobile site for UN affiliate to promote mobile learning

This week, the ITC-ILO, a United Nations affiliate, officially launched an Experientia-designed mobile site to promote mobile learning tools within the organisation...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Euler’s Constants

Having a constant named after you is cool Jeffrey Lagarias was a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories for years, and later joined the...

Future of Laundry
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Laundry

Though it may seem an odd topic for here, have for a long time followed innovations in the process of doing the laundry.  Despite it seeming a very mundane thing...

Air Interfaces
From The Eponymous Pickle

Air Interfaces

In GigaOM: Saw something similar at graphics show.   Required some hard to manage setup, but was impressively mysterious. But that example was display only andDisplair...

SHA-3 Status
From Schneier on Security

SHA-3 Status

NIST's John Kelsey gave an excellent talk on the history, status, and future of the SHA-3 hashing standard. The slides are online.

Glass App Store
From The Eponymous Pickle

Glass App Store

In Mashable: A Google Glass App store is planned by next year.  This will be very useful indication of exactly how serious developers for this new computing format...

Small Data Becoming Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Small Data Becoming Big Data

In SmartData Collective, By Mark van Rijmenam" ... small data can become big data by cleverly combining various data sets with different data formats; Combine weather...

Robotic Cleaning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotic Cleaning

In IEEE Spectrum:  As might be expected we avidly explored the future of cleaning.  In particular we examined robotic approaches. Watching development and commercialization...

Business Opportunities in Cloud Security
From Schneier on Security

Business Opportunities in Cloud Security

Bessemer Venture Partners partner David Cowan has an interesting article on the opportunities for cloud security companies. Richard Stiennnon, an industry analyst...

Crowdsourcing Grading
From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowdsourcing Grading

I remember being part of a group that did this long before it was called crowd sourcing,   unofficially and informally checking assignments and providing help within...

USACM Submits Comments to the FCC on Accessibility Waiver Request for E-Readers
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Submits Comments to the FCC on Accessibility Waiver Request for E-Readers

USACM today submitted comments to the FCC on a request by the Coalition of E-Reader Manufacturers to exempt e-readers from the accessibility requirements under...

More quick links
From Geeking with Greg

More quick links

More of what I found interesting lately: The apparent philosophy of the design of biological processes: "Never refactor if you can incrementally add another[1]...

Science of Human Nature and Behavior: A Master Class
From The Eponymous Pickle

Science of Human Nature and Behavior: A Master Class

I was reminded of this conference by a correspondent,  held in 2011:In The Edge:" ... Princeton psychologist Daniel Kahneman on the marvels and the flaws of intuitive...

Probing the Hive Mind
From The Eponymous Pickle

Probing the Hive Mind

To what degree does the Wikipedia act as a single brain? In Sciencenews: What implied rules underlie its operation as a useful resource?  I can see this as thelinks...

Virtual Reality Gaming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Reality Gaming

I followed VR for years, looking at the potential for using reality spaces to solve problems in abstract spaces.  Spaces that could could be used as analogs tosome...
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