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Communications of the ACM



Rexamining Excel 2013
From The Eponymous Pickle

Rexamining Excel 2013

In preparation for a conversion to a more generalized data visualization system I have been exploring Excel 2013 use for visualization.   It is commonly used in...

Transition to Mobile Devices
From The Eponymous Pickle

Transition to Mobile Devices

Considering the issues with transitioning to mobile devices.  Much talked these days. " ... The post-PC era is not marked by the extinction of personal computers...

How we do user research in agile teams
From Putting People First

How we do user research in agile teams

Getting user research into agile teams in a way that is timely, relevant and actionable is a challenge that teams the world over are tackling. Working effectively...

Googling yourself takes on a whole new meaning
From Putting People First

Googling yourself takes on a whole new meaning

CLive Thompson used Google Glass for six weeks. He discusses the latest in high-tech eyewear in the New York Times Magazine. “With Glass, I eventually settled upon...

The web giants pumping us for data
From Putting People First

The web giants pumping us for data

As society becomes more networked, the information available to the Googles, Amazons and Facebooks of this world will increase exponentially. “As society becomes...

Abraham Maslow and the pyramid that beguiled business
From Putting People First

Abraham Maslow and the pyramid that beguiled business

The psychologist Abraham Maslow’s theory of human motivation is 70 years old but continues to have a strong influence on the world of business. What is it, and...

XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students - The Complexities of Privacy and Anonymity Volume 20 Issue 1, Fall 2013

XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students - The Complexities of Privacy and Anonymity Volume 20 Issue 1, Fall 2013

Equip Yourself for Creativity

Equip Yourself for Creativity

Peter Kinnaird, Inbal Talgam-Cohen



XRDS Staff

Keeping Your Little Back Shop

Keeping Your Little Back Shop

Maire Byrne-Evans, Christine Task

<i>XRDS</i> Mobilizes

XRDS Mobilizes

Debarka Sengupta

Managing Your Time

Managing Your Time

Vaggelis Giannikas

Revitalizing ACM Student Chapters: A look at how to refresh student initiatives

Revitalizing ACM Student Chapters: A look at how to refresh student initiatives

Michael Zuba

Algorithms Fit for Compilation?

Algorithms Fit for Compilation?

Olivia SimpsonShould there be a standard in the way of algorithms languages to improve productivity and remove ambiguity?

Habits: Our cognitive shortcut

Habits: Our cognitive shortcut

Gidi NaveAccepting the habitual system as an inseparable part of our minds, understanding its limitation and the way it works, may help us to achieve our long-term...

Coordination When Information is Scarce: How privacy can help

Coordination When Information is Scarce: How privacy can help

Aaron RothThere is something to be gained by borrowing the tools of differential privacy and applying them to solve problems in seemingly unrelated fields.

The New Firefox Cookie Policy

The New Firefox Cookie Policy

Jonathan MayerStanford grad student Jonathan Mayer discusses cookies, Web tracking, and changes to Mozilla's cookie policy.

What is Public and Private Anyway? A Pragmatic Take on Privacy and Democracy

What is Public and Private Anyway? A Pragmatic Take on Privacy and Democracy

Andreas BirkbakRevealing private content on the Web can also spark public engagement. To understand this, we need to challenge our common sense notions of privacy...

Something Bad Might Happen: Lawyers, anonymization and risk

Something Bad Might Happen: Lawyers, anonymization and risk

Marion OswaldThe line between personal and anonymous information is often unclear. Increasingly it falls to lawyers to understand and manage the risks associated...

Personal, Pseudonymous, and Anonymous Data: The problem of identification

Personal, Pseudonymous, and Anonymous Data: The problem of identification

Iain BourneWhy defining what counts as personal data is important for data protection and information sharing.
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