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Software Defined Servers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Software Defined Servers

Sent to me through a Vertica/Big Data connection.  I don't typically talk about standard software. Don't claim to understand it completely, but the integrationHP...

Measuring Entropy and its Applications to Encryption
From Schneier on Security

Measuring Entropy and its Applications to Encryption

There have been a bunch of articles about an information theory paper with vaguely sensational headlines like "Encryption is less secure than we thought" and "Research...

On Better Decisons
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Better Decisons

 Interesting piece from Bain & Company:  Steps to better decisions.  The technical and social aspects of the decision process have been a long time interest.  We...

Google Glass for First Response
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Glass for First Response

A few years ago I worked with a group that was building real time communications Apps for firefighters.   So this App could be used with police and firefighters...

Google and My Blog Takes a Hit
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google and My Blog Takes a Hit

Google was down yesterday.  About four hours I read somewhere.  I track the hits that this blog gets.  It uses a Google product Blogspot and is tracked through...

Taking Google+ Seriously
From The Eponymous Pickle

Taking Google+ Seriously

Another in a series of Computerworld articles that describes why and how you should take Google+ seriously.  Yes I know, another case of dependence on Google.  Worth...

Blueprints for Brainlike Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Blueprints for Brainlike Computing

In MIT's Tech Review.   With links to more details.  Computing more like we do, the article says.  More like is the key.  I remember there was much ado about how...

Teens and Privacy
From Schneier on Security

Teens and Privacy

Not much surprising in this new survey. Many teens ages 12-17 report that they usually figure out how to manage content sharing and privacy settings on their own...

Predicting the Future in Big Pharma
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predicting the Future in Big Pharma

Former colleague Lou Killeffer interviews ... Ken Savin  ... Director, Process Chemistry & Special Projects at Eli Lilly & Company and the first At Lilly, Ken has...

CS Educator Interview: Tammy Andrew
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Educator Interview: Tammy Andrew

Tammy Andrew and I met a bunch of years ago when we both taught summer school at a famous New England boarding school. We were teaching C++  back then. While I’m...

Does big data have us ‘fooled by randomness’?
From Putting People First

Does big data have us ‘fooled by randomness’?

Being surrounded by data makes it easy to see the noise rather than the signal, and the trees rather than the forest, writes Andre Mouton in USA Today. “Nassim...

IBM on user experience design
From Putting People First

IBM on user experience design

IBM believes that all users have the right to an enjoyable experience when using a computer. They have therefore decided to share the knowledge they have acquired...

eBook: Rethinking UX
From Putting People First

eBook: Rethinking UX

Rethinking UX Formats: PDF, EPUB, Kindle (DRM-free) Pages: 62 Language: English Released: August 2013 Publisher: Smashing Magazine GmbH Abstract In “Rethinking...

Exploring customer centricity in financial inclusion
From Putting People First

Exploring customer centricity in financial inclusion

CGAP (a World Bank affiliated but independent policy and research center dedicated to advancing financial access for the world’s poor) has partnered with Janalakshmi...

Science and Search
From The Eponymous Pickle

Science and Search

In Ars Technica:  How media influences how science is perceived.   In the past it was about how science was influenced by the popular press. Now the ubiquity of...

Cross Device Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cross Device Marketing

In Mobile Marketer:    Not unexpected.    " ... Cross-device advertising commands growing portion of media spend: report  ... Interest in cross-device campaigns...

About Disengaged Employees
From The Eponymous Pickle

About Disengaged Employees

In the HBR blogs.  (Some registration required)New data on employee engagement is in, and it's downright discouraging. As this post by HBR's Gretchen Gavett noted...

Computing Researchers Get ‘Schooled’ on Science Policy at LiSPI 2013
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Computing Researchers Get ‘Schooled’ on Science Policy at LiSPI 2013

The following is an article published in the August 2013 edition of Computing Research News.  Computing Researchers Get ‘Schooled’ on Science Policy at LiSPI 2013...

Don't Panic
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Don't Panic

The cover of the famous fictional "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" reads, in big letters, "Don't panic." There isn't a definitive "teacher's guide to teaching...

From Computational Complexity

When Lance was 10 years old..

In honor of Lance's 50th birthday I ask the following: When Lance was 10 years old which of the following were true? (Disclosure- some of the below are from a birthday...
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