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Making the Most of Your Messaging in 'Women in Computer Science' Outreach
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Making the Most of Your Messaging in 'Women in Computer Science' Outreach

If you've ever done outreach with girls to try to get them into computer science, you may have wondered what the best way to do it is.  After all, we've been at...

Comment Policy Again
From The Eponymous Pickle

Comment Policy Again

A reminder.  Comments are moderated here.  They must be in English.   I will not post anonymous comments unless prearranged.   I will not allow a comment with links...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Euclid Strikes Back

An application of Euclid’s famous proof there are an infinite number of primes Euclid of Alexandria, Euclid for short, composed one of the most influential books...

Why All of this Stuff?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Why All of this Stuff?

Who am I and why all this activity?  Blogging in various forms since 2001.  I analyze, write and improve.  More about me here:

US Brain Project Focuses on Memory Ethics
From The Eponymous Pickle

US Brain Project Focuses on Memory Ethics

In Nature:  Much about the operational aspects of the brain.  The ownership of our own neural data.   " ... Unsettling research advances bring neuroethics to the...

Building the 21st Century Grocery Store?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Building the 21st Century Grocery Store?

Interesting, but too much 'California' in this article.  Submit that there is is still no efficiency here, and cost will prevail. " ... The Good Eggs "farm-to-fridge"...

Management Issues in Terrorist Organizations
From Schneier on Security

Management Issues in Terrorist Organizations

Terrorist organizations have the same management problems as other organizations, and new ones besides: Terrorist leaders also face a stubborn human resources...

Marketing and Augmented Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing and Augmented Reality

Have long been interested in the use of Augmented Reality for marketing, both in the store and in mobile.   Still early in its use, but it is evolving quickly now...

How Big Data is Reshaping Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

How Big Data is Reshaping Marketing

In the coming weeks I will be passing along some of the excellent work by correspondent Phil Hendrix.   Here is a set of slides on How Big Data is Reshaping Marketing...

Getting to the Reality of Behavior
From The Eponymous Pickle

Getting to the Reality of Behavior

 In Research:  (On Wisdom of Crowds and Theory of Group Behavior)Why research needs to go beyond the individual’s perspective to get closer to the reality of behaviour...

Federal CIO Council Announces Re-Organization
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Federal CIO Council Announces Re-Organization

The Federal CIO Council is the primary cross-agency group for information technology management in the government. On Friday the Council announced a major reorganization...

Who is Teaching Computer Science in US High Schools?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Who is Teaching Computer Science in US High Schools?

How do you fit in amongst the roughly 800 teachers who shared what they teach, how they are supported by their schools, their background and what's important to...

Storytelling and Screenwriting
From The Eponymous Pickle

Storytelling and Screenwriting

I was recently introduced to a book: Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need, by Blake Snyder.  Which led me to some questions.  Have recently...

Ideas Lab Workshop Applications Due August 19
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Ideas Lab Workshop Applications Due August 19

The following is an article published in the August 2013 edition of Computing Research News.  Ideas Lab Fostering Transformative Approaches to Teaching and Learning...

Data Mining Conference
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Mining Conference

Via Cacm: A data mining conference whose outcomes will be interesting.  Have followed and attended the KDD for years. Will seek to report information that emerges...

Retail Digital Client Management
From The Eponymous Pickle

Retail Digital Client Management

A client brought this to my attention.   Multiple screens in one for retail experiences.  Aimed at decreasing advertising costs and better targeting marketing campaigns...

From Computational Complexity

Flash Gordon

We watched the movie Ted last week but this post isn't about that movie. The movie has several references to the 1980 movie Flash Gordon including an extended cameo...

The NSA is Commandeering the Internet
From Schneier on Security

The NSA is Commandeering the Internet

It turns out that the NSA's domestic and world-wide surveillance apparatus is even more extensive than we thought. Bluntly: The government has commandeered the...

CS Educator Interview: Cait Sydney Pickens
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Educator Interview: Cait Sydney Pickens

One really can meet people online though sites like Twitter. That is how I met Cait Sydney Pickens. I look at everyone who follows me on Twitter and saw her name...

By Us, For Us: The power of co-design and co-delivery
From Putting People First

By Us, For Us: The power of co-design and co-delivery

At the core of a People Powered Health approach is collective ownership of health and wellbeing. Professionals need to start from the position of not necessarily...
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