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Kip Hawley on Fixing the TSA
From Schneier on Security

Kip Hawley on Fixing the TSA

The further Kip Hawley has gotten from running the TSA, the more sense he has started to make. This is pretty good.

CS Education Interview: Tammy Pirmann
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Education Interview: Tammy Pirmann

Tammy Pirmann is my mentor on the CSTA Board of Directors and is helping me understand how and what it is all about. More importantly she teaches at a public high...

A Video Game to Map the Brain
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Video Game to Map the Brain

Fascinating piece in Wired about the use of game dynamics to map connections in the brain.  Another example of the use of game dynamics, one of several that are...

Color Theory App
From The Eponymous Pickle

Color Theory App

In Wired:  Regarding an interesting book on the theory of color, by Josef Albers, is presented on an iPad App.   Not free it seems.  I recall this book being mentioned...

White House to host a “We the Geeks” hangout on Robots!
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

White House to host a “We the Geeks” hangout on Robots!

The White House has been hosting a series of Google+ hangouts called “We the Geeks” that highlight the future of scientific innovation in the United States.  The...

Research Opportunities for Undergraduates
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Research Opportunities for Undergraduates

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) has a website for Computer Science Undergraduate Research and Graduate Education (CS URGE), which can be found here.  You...

An object of journalism: the hyperlink
From Putting People First

An object of journalism: the hyperlink

Juliette de Maeyer kicks off this month’s edition of EthnographyMatters which focuses on Ethnographies of Objects, with a response to two questions posed to her...

IKEA and Augmented Reality Catalog
From The Eponymous Pickle

IKEA and Augmented Reality Catalog

See furniture in your own apartment using augmented reality in IKEA's 2014 catalog.  A good example of AR in mobile retail.  And its potential for using AR to insert...

To get users to make smarter choices now, show them their future
From Putting People First

To get users to make smarter choices now, show them their future

Design can be used to introduce users to the future now, so they can act in ways that will benefit them in the future, writes Nikki Pfarr, researcher and strategist...

Social and Mobile Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social and Mobile Innovation

In Knowledge@Wharton:  New models are at play.  Note my recent piece that addresses increasing efficiency for innovation.  From a recent conference.  Noting that...

Book: Why We Fail
From Putting People First

Book: Why We Fail

Why We Fail: Learning from Experience Design Failures By Victor Lombardi 248 pages Rosenfeld Media Why did Twitter succeed while Pownce plotzed? Why has “to Plaxo”...

Advances in Tagging
From The Eponymous Pickle

Advances in Tagging

In GigaOM:  Tagging is a long time interest. Costs and power requirements have always been a issue.  This also relates to an internet of things, where simply finding...

Restoring Trust in Government and the Internet
From Schneier on Security

Restoring Trust in Government and the Internet

In July 2012, responding to allegations that the video-chat service Skype -- owned by Microsoft -- was changing its protocols to make it possible for the government...

Has Tor Been Compromised?
From Schneier on Security

Has Tor Been Compromised?

There's speculation that the FBI is responsible for an exploit that compromised the Tor anonymity service. Note that Tor nodes installed or updated after June...

GotoGlue and the Personal Brand
From The Eponymous Pickle

GotoGlue and the Personal Brand

An enterprise colleague of mine pointed me to GotoGlue.  I much like the idea of having a personal brand while connecting Job Seekers, Organizations and Employers...

Innovation Mindset in Action at 3M
From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Mindset in Action at 3M

In the HBR Blogs (requires registration):   The methods used by 3M have always been of interest.   See also the previous posts. " ... In three recent blog posts...

Going Global Faster with Cloud and Mobile
From The Eponymous Pickle

Going Global Faster with Cloud and Mobile

I have been in the midst of looking at how companies use mobile, focused data, cloud and ultimately analytical support.  So have developed interest in how all these...

Linkedin Review
From The Eponymous Pickle

Linkedin Review

In Readwrite Web:  A good overview of why the author thinks Linkedin is their favorite social network.  I agree, because it does maintain a business focus.  Second...

NSA Surveillance and Mission Creep
From Schneier on Security

NSA Surveillance and Mission Creep

Last month, I wrote about the potential for mass surveillance mission creep: the tendency for the vast NSA surveillance apparatus to be used for other, lesser,already...

The business case for service design
From Putting People First

The business case for service design

Service designer Bill Hollins shares his thoughts on why service design makes business sense and argues that more businesses should invest in employing a service...
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