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CS Educator Interview: Norm Messa
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Educator Interview: Norm Messa

Today we visit a career/technical school in the seacoast area of New Hampshire. Norm Messa is the teacher we talk to there. Norm is a second career teacher whoSeacoast...

User experience is not just design, it’s the key to innovation and growth
From Putting People First

User experience is not just design, it’s the key to innovation and growth

Brian Solis met up with Jesse James Garrett (author of The Elements of User Experience and Co-Founder of Adaptive Path) to talk about the state of user experience...

User experience is more than design – it’s strategy
From Putting People First

User experience is more than design – it’s strategy

t’s time that we expand the role of User Experience beyond execution, beyond output, and yes, even beyond design, writes Christopher Grant Ward, Director of Product...

Putting the customer at the centre of your retail business
From Putting People First

Putting the customer at the centre of your retail business

Oracle recently conducted some research into the shopping needs and expectations of shoppers in Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, Russia, the UK and the US – in an...

Making the most of ethnographic research
From Putting People First

Making the most of ethnographic research

Applying ethnographic methods to digital experiences can yield myriad benefits that go beyond simply validating that something works or identifying opportunities...

Emotion Sniffing from a Phone
From The Eponymous Pickle

Emotion Sniffing from a Phone

In Fastcompany: This could be a very useful thing to understand how people are reacting to an environment.  Pay people to use the idea.  And their phone is always...

Understanding Analytical Databases
From The Eponymous Pickle

Understanding Analytical Databases

Interesting piece by Wayne Eckerson.  Linking to an upcoming talk.   How to get data to advanced analytical methods effectively?  The world has changed from the...

Bezos Buys Washington Post
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bezos Buys Washington Post

Another example of the old information systems combining with the new.  It had become too cheap not to acquire. Perhaps they should also buy Barnes & Noble?  I...

Advanced Maths Win Wall Street
From The Eponymous Pickle

Advanced Maths Win Wall Street

A view of what used to be called 'rocket scientists' in Wall Street.  I recall going to a talk at the Santa Fe Institute and hearing a talk about this phenomenon...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Informs is a A professional organization I have been part of for many years.   The science of better ...   Industrial mathematics and decision making.  It usesTheir...

From Computational Complexity

Longest time between posing a math problem and it being answered?

(We were asked to remind you: ITCS 2014 Call for papers: call for papers.) What problem in math had the longest time between POSING IT and SOLVING it? This might...

Big Data for the Masses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data for the Masses

Can everyone be a data scientist?  You will at very least need the strong support of data scientists. Similar to delivering analytics to everyone.  Its not so much...

The Public/Private Surveillance Partnership
From Schneier on Security

The Public/Private Surveillance Partnership

Imagine the government passed a law requiring all citizens to carry a tracking device. Such a law would immediately be found unconstitutional. Yet we all carryenormous...

Interesting Links 5 August 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 5 August 2013

I turned 3C years old yesterday.  That’s in Hex of course.  110  1100 in binary. In place of presents post a link to my blog on your blog, Facebook and/or Twitter...

Smart cities workshop with the Design Center Busan
From Putting People First

Smart cities workshop with the Design Center Busan

A few days ago Experientia’s latest collaboration with Korea’s Design Center Busan wrapped up, as 21 South Korean students completed a summer study program in Turin...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Crypto Aspects of The Jacobian Conjecture

Crypto concepts promise partial progress via partial inversion cropped from source. Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali recently won the prestigious Turing Award...

Nature Blog on Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nature Blog on Visualization

Just discovered this blog that covers visualization methods for Nature Methods.  This post acts as an index to all other pieces in the blog.  Points of view, certainly...

On Not Trusting Data Science
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Not Trusting Data Science

Language Lab of the University of Pennsylvania comments on a recent article about the nature of the data scientist.  Essentially making the case that the label"...

Innovation Excellence Weekly
From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Excellence Weekly

I quote this group frequently.  Here is their weekly review.  I am loosely connected to this effort. Worth following.  " ... News and Insights from the Global Innovation...

Retail Glossary
From The Eponymous Pickle

Retail Glossary

A useful glossary of retail terms.  " ... The Path to Purchase Institute’s Shopper Marketing Glossary is an evolving work-in-progress. We invite your critiques,...
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