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Communications of the ACM



New DropBox
From The Eponymous Pickle

New DropBox

A future view of the intentions of Dropbox.   " ... Dropbox wants to be your always-on hard drive, whether you’re using an iPad, an Android phone, or a PC. And....

Improving Computer Science and Programming Education for Women Improves It for Everyone
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Improving Computer Science and Programming Education for Women Improves It for Everyone

We know that computing fields are gender imbalanced. While 57% of all undergraduate degrees in the United States were earned by women in 2009, women made up only...

The Effectiveness of Privacy Audits
From Schneier on Security

The Effectiveness of Privacy Audits

This study concludes that there is a benefit to forcing companies to undergo privacy audits: "The results show that there are empirical regularities consistent...

DARPA Robotics Challenge Results
From The Eponymous Pickle

DARPA Robotics Challenge Results

In IEEE Spectrum:  Very good piece on the challenge, its essential components and the results announced today.    This is interesting too because it describes elemental...

Another Perspective on the Value of Privacy
From Schneier on Security

Another Perspective on the Value of Privacy

A philosophical perspective: But while Descartes's overall view has been rightly rejected, there is something profoundly right about the connection between privacy...

How Important Is The First CS Course?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

How Important Is The First CS Course?

I’ve been reading a lot from CS educators lately. Regular readers know I am running a series of interviews with teachers from all over. As I write this I have five...

Digital Augmented Telescopes: Tellscopes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Augmented Telescopes: Tellscopes

In Fast Company:   A telescope called a Tellscope.  A terrestial rather than a celestial scope, with elements of augmented reality.  The article discusses the hardware...

FCC Open Internet Advisory Committee Meeting on July 9
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

FCC Open Internet Advisory Committee Meeting on July 9

The FCC’s Open Internet Advisory Committee will meet tomorrow, Tuesday, July 9, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT, to discuss issues related to its four working groups...

Garmin Heads up Display
From The Eponymous Pickle

Garmin Heads up Display

Garmin has introduced a Heads up display interface (HUD) , to be placed on a car windshield, to be made available later this year.  " ... The HUD is a small box...

Fast integer compression in Java
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Fast integer compression in Java

Last year, we published a fast C++ library to quickly compress and decompress arrays of integers. Out of habit, I ported it to Java and published it under the name...

Big Data Surveillance Results in Bad Policy
From Schneier on Security

Big Data Surveillance Results in Bad Policy

Evgeny Morozov makes a point about surveillance and big data: it just looks for useful correlations without worrying about causes, and leads people to implement...

More Smartphone Metadata Gathering
From The Eponymous Pickle

More Smartphone Metadata Gathering

Another claim for a vendor gathering metadata from Smartphones, here from Motorola.   Metadata, or 'data about data', has been trivialized as a source of personal...

Reflections on EdTech Conferences
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Reflections on EdTech Conferences

This was the second year in a row that I didn’t attend ISTE. I really miss it but events conspired against me. But I’ve been reading a lot from people who did go...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of July 8
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of July 8

July 9 Workshop: The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board will hold a public workshop on surveillance programs. Technology experts will be part of at least...

NumberSense Reviewed
From The Eponymous Pickle

NumberSense Reviewed

I have been looking for books that explain the difference of what I call analytics, in my long time consulting practice and the newly hyped arena of Big Data.  ...

From Computational Complexity

AltaVista versus Google

Today Yahoo is closing AltaVista, the best search engine before Google. The news caught me by surprise, AltaVista still existed? A number of commentators attribute...

Herman Miller's Living Office
From The Eponymous Pickle

Herman Miller's Living Office

We worked with Herman Miller in the area of innovative office design.  This is a short article on their concept of the living office.   Although I have not been...

Data Mining Concepts and Techniques
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Mining Concepts and Techniques

Bought some time ago, but finally exercised in some detail:  Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, by Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber.   There are later editions...

Private Label Brands Hold Ground
From The Eponymous Pickle

Private Label Brands Hold Ground

An indication that private label brands are holding their own after a slow recovery.   " ... While private labels have existed for some time, the recession proved...

Saskia Sassen and Scott McCloud keynote speakers at Interaction14
From Putting People First

Saskia Sassen and Scott McCloud keynote speakers at Interaction14

Interaction 14 just announced its first keynote speakers: Saskia Sassen is someone to look forward to. A sociology professor at Columbia University, she is known...
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