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Protecting E-Mail from Eavesdropping
From Schneier on Security

Protecting E-Mail from Eavesdropping

In the wake of the Snowden NSA documents, reporters have been asking me whether encryption can solve the problem. Leaving aside the fact that much of what theadvice...

Interesting Links 8 July 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 8 July 2013

I don’t know about you but I am enjoying my summer. Keeping very busy though. Really spending some quality time with TouchDevelop. Also working on my presentations...

Query-less search
From The Eponymous Pickle

Query-less search

An examination of query-less, or parameter-less search in Google Operating System.  And the mention of a Google patent in the space.  And its ultimate integration...

Visualization Books: Incomplete
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualization Books: Incomplete

The Economist looks at a number of information and data visualization books.  What they look at is good, but is very incomplete.  Largely based on infographics,...

Crowds vs Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowds vs Innovation

In Innovation Excellence:  It should be remembered that innovation is often be an act of going against the crowd.   Creative people do go against the crowd" ... At...

Herman Miller’s Living Office
From Putting People First

Herman Miller’s Living Office

“The most important thing in the room is not the furniture — it’s the people.” Almost 50 years after the Action Office, Herman Miller embarks on the next big rethinking...

Cities are being redrawn according to Google’s world view
From Putting People First

Cities are being redrawn according to Google’s world view

In the second of two columns exploring the impact of digital culture on design, Sam Jacob looks at how Google Maps is reshaping cities while Apple, Facebook and...

Prism is the dark side of design thinking
From Putting People First

Prism is the dark side of design thinking

In this first of two columns about the impact of digital culture on design, Sam Jacob asks what America’s Prism surveillance program tells us about design thinking...

Seoul, the Sharing City
From Putting People First

Seoul, the Sharing City

On 20 September 2012, the Seoul Metropolitan Government disclosed its plan for promoting the “Sharing City, Seoul” project, which includes 20 sharing programs and...

Compliance Success
From The Eponymous Pickle

Compliance Success

My long time friend and correspondent John Sopko, was featured in the NYT this week concerning his government compliance work.  Nice to see our government trying...

CS Educator Interviews: The Index
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Educator Interviews: The Index

In June of 2013 I started collecting interviews with computer science educators. The plan was to highlight people doing interesting things at a wide range of schools...

Book: Legible Practices by Helsinki Design Lab
From Putting People First

Book: Legible Practices by Helsinki Design Lab

The social innovation book Legible Practices aims at codifying the practises of stewardship, as exhibited by innovators who are consciously rethinking institutions...

Peapod and Virtual Event Shopping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Peapod and Virtual Event Shopping

Peapod's use of lunch truck style vehicles to sell items at events.   The approach also reminds me ot the Schwan's model in suburban communities.   We experimented...

Multiple Definitions of Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Multiple Definitions of Big Data

Via Gib Bassett.  Multiple definitions are discussed, seven in all. I like concise definitions, but this is a look at all the ways that big data is being used today...

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Origami Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Giant Origami Squid

Giant origami squid photo found -- without explanation -- on Reddit. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news...

A Change in License for Berkeley DB
From Wild WebMink

A Change in License for Berkeley DB

Reblogged from Meshed Insights & Knowledge: Perhaps you didn't spot it, but last month in their new Berkeley DB release Oracle changed the license associated with...

How Apple Continues to Make Security Invisible
From Schneier on Security

How Apple Continues to Make Security Invisible

Interesting article: Apple is famously focused on design and human experience as their top guiding principles. When it comes to security, that focus created a...

Earnest Games, Not Serious Games
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Earnest Games, Not Serious Games

Why is it that after ten years of Games for Change festivals guys like Ian Bogost are still making the same argument: games have the power to depict complexityGames...

Sixth Movie-Plot Threat Contest Winner
From Schneier on Security

Sixth Movie-Plot Threat Contest Winner

On April 1, I announced the Sixth Mostly-Annual Movie-Plot Threat Contest: For this year's contest, I want a cyberwar movie-plot threat. (For those who don't know...

This Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

This Blog

Around this time of the year I like to post an item about this blog and its origins and purpose, so I repeat my post of 2008:This blog was established an in internal...
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