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The Future of Satellite Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

The Future of Satellite Surveillance

Pretty scary -- and cool. Remember, it's not any one thing that's worrisome; it's everything together.

Interesting Links 24 June 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 24 June 2013

Second year in a row I am not at ISTE this week. I understand that there are twice as many computer science sessions this year than last. That’s a good thing and...

The Nature of the Data Scientist
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Nature of the Data Scientist

Stephen Few writes  about the nature of the term 'data scientist'.  I personally don't like the term,  I prefer the term 'analyst', which has fewer implications...

Google Now Topics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Now Topics

A piece on the access of topics in the intelligent assistant Google Now.  Intrguing, but it did give me what I expected when I accessed the topics page.  Interesting...

How Should We Choose Students?
From My Biased Coin

How Should We Choose Students?

Some of my previous posts have led me to think about the following -- something I'm hoping to write a longer piece about in the near future.In the past few weeks...

NSF Seeking Program Directors Within Division of Information & Intelligent Systems (IIS)
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Seeking Program Directors Within Division of Information & Intelligent Systems (IIS)

On June 21, the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced a nationwide search for multiple Program Directors in the Division of Information & Intelligent Systems...

Discarding the Loyalty Card
From The Eponymous Pickle

Discarding the Loyalty Card

Albertson's drops the loyalty card.  With all the data being generated by loyalty ideas, and new ones blooming, some retailers are moving the other way.  And some...

Brazil Protests Peaceful, And Not About Bus Fares
From Wild WebMink

Brazil Protests Peaceful, And Not About Bus Fares

In preparation for FISL (where I hope to be speaking next week), I have been continuing to try to understand the protests in Brazil, which are now regularly bringing...

R in Action
From The Eponymous Pickle

R in Action

Some time ago I ordered the Book: R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R, by Robert I Kabakoff.  Have had cause to refer to it a number of times, but have...

Changing CIOs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Changing CIOs

A view of how the role of CIOs is changing.   The short article makes the point that we have known for a long time.  CIO's cannot be players that are in love with...

GE, AI and Modeling Hospitals with Corvix
From The Eponymous Pickle

GE, AI and Modeling Hospitals with Corvix

Fascinating work by GE in the use of artificial intelligence in a system called Corvix.   During the AI   explosion of the 80s we talked to GE about what I would...

Foundation of the Internet of Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Foundation of the Internet of Things

In E-Commerce Times:   Interesting idea, but how do we get all the things to work together?   Were are the standards to make it work?    Also good mention of how...

Endangered Downloads
From Wild WebMink

Endangered Downloads

I’ve posted an article in a few places commenting briefly on the implications of Github, Google and others (but notably not SourceForge) deciding not to offer downloads...

Marketing Mix Criticized, Defended
From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing Mix Criticized, Defended

Defense In AdAge:  We used marketing mix since their very earliest inception.   It is a relatively simple statistical technique that suggests the best investment...

Avoiding Pitfalls in Predictive Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Avoiding Pitfalls in Predictive Analytics

Venkat Viswanathan  makes some useful comments.  Some of them relate to my favorite suggestion: Simplify." Predictive analytics will almost always enable better...

Friday Squid Blogging: How the Acidification of the Oceans Affects Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: How the Acidification of the Oceans Affects Squid

It's not good. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Too Much Power?
From Wild WebMink

Too Much Power?

In InfoWorld this week, I’ve reprised my views about contributor agreements. The trigger for this was seeing Oracle erroneously change the license for the MySQL...

Me on the Lou Dobbs Show
From Schneier on Security

Me on the Lou Dobbs Show

I was on the Lou Dobbs Show earlier this week.

Customer Engagement Analytics for Cultural Venues
From The Eponymous Pickle

Customer Engagement Analytics for Cultural Venues

Its all about engaging the customer.   All companies, large, small and midsize need better ways to engage with and retain  their customers.  And as the contextThe...

Kroger Checkout Time Technology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Checkout Time Technology

Good USA Today article on a number of methods that Kroger is using to improve checkout times.    A high labor cost in retail, and frequent complaint of shoppers...
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