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US Offensive Cyberwar Policy
From Schneier on Security

US Offensive Cyberwar Policy

Today, the United States is conducting offensive cyberwar actions around the world. More than passively eavesdropping, we're penetrating and damaging foreign networks...

Black Swans Circling?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Black Swans Circling?

In the HBR Blog.  Provocative piece on the number of changes occurring that could influence the near term future of P&G.   And many other consumer goods companies...

Drones Will Bring us Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Drones Will Bring us Data

In Nature:  We thought of using teams of robots to gather information from the plant and manufacturing spaces and outdoor staging yard floor.  We did use satellite...

The Japanese Response to Terrorism
From Schneier on Security

The Japanese Response to Terrorism

Lessons from Japan's response to Aum Shinrikyo: Yet what's as remarkable as Aum's potential for mayhem is how little of it, on balance, they actually caused. Don't...

Teaching Computer Science: Profession or Craft
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching Computer Science: Profession or Craft

A recent report on the quality of teacher training has stirred up a lot of discussion about how teachers should be prepared. With the ongoing shortage of qualified...

From Computer Science Teachers Association


When you are a Computer Science teacher there is a universe of knowledge that you can transfer to your students, depending on the interest they show. You can teach...

Analytics E Newsletter
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics E Newsletter

The Informs Analytics e-Newsletter.  Always informative.  Subscribe.  Latest articles:- Continuing education for analytics professionals- Big data paying off for...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Three Theorems About Growth

Is a key to polynomial versus exponential complexity lurking here? Cropped from Abel Prize source Mikhail Gromov is a French-Russian mathematician who has made...

Welcome to Complex Event Processing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Welcome to Complex Event Processing

Thinking about real time processing.    Getting more important every day.  We addressed this for complex high speed manufacturing lines.  Linking advanced analytics...

Corning and Electronically Tinted Windows
From The Eponymous Pickle

Corning and Electronically Tinted Windows

In IEEE Spectrum:  An energy savings idea, but one that does increase the complexity of the smart home.  Visited Corning some years ago and enjoyed their approaches...

New Details on Skype Eavesdropping
From Schneier on Security

New Details on Skype Eavesdropping

This article, on the cozy relationship between the commercial personal-data industry and the intelligence industry, has new information on the security of Skype...

From Computational Complexity

Automate Me

An economist friend asked me if there were still productivity gains to be had for office workers (like us). After all, we have email, social networks, skype and...

Love Letter to an NSA Agent
From Schneier on Security

Love Letter to an NSA Agent

A fine piece: "A Love Letter to the NSA Agent who is Monitoring my Online Activity." A similar sentiment is expressed in this video.

Your GPA Doesn’t Mean Anything Useful
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Your GPA Doesn’t Mean Anything Useful

A recent interview in the New York Times with Laszlo Bock, senior vice president of people operations at Google had some interesting things to say about the value...

Waiting in Line
From The Eponymous Pickle

Waiting in Line

A long time interest of mine is covered in the current Knowledge @ Wharton,  why and when do people balk in a queue?   What are the dynamics involved and how can...

What Does Data Gate Mean for Marketers?
From The Eponymous Pickle

What Does Data Gate Mean for Marketers?

In Ad Age:  Insightful, thinking now how about the interaction of privacy and big data.  Are the algorithms involved also privacy sensitive?   " ... In addition...

The US Uses Vulnerability Data for Offensive Purposes
From Schneier on Security

The US Uses Vulnerability Data for Offensive Purposes

Companies allow US intelligence to exploit vulnerabilities before it patches them: Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), the world's largest software company, provides intelligence...

Two Sides: APCS Principles
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Two Sides: APCS Principles

Last week there was an announcement of a multi-year $5.2 million grant from the NSF to fund creation of a new Advanced Placement Computer Science course calledCS...

Two Sides: Putting Industry Professionals in the Classroom
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Two Sides: Putting Industry Professionals in the Classroom

Mark Guzdial is one of the people I most respect in the area of computer science education so when he says something is good or bad I tend to take it very seriously...

Book: Trust is a Choice
From Putting People First

Book: Trust is a Choice

Trust is a Choice – Prolegomena of Anthropology of Trust(s) by Stephanie A. Krawinkler 189 pages, 2013 Carl-Auer Verlag (Publisher) [Amazon link] [Extract] Trust...
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