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Communications of the ACM



D-Wave and Quantum Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

D-Wave and Quantum Computing

In the NYT:  Mentioned it here a number of times that we have had some encounters with the folks from D-Wave.  Seems they are getting some better press these days...

My Beautiful GRAND Conference Poster
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

My Beautiful GRAND Conference Poster

I'm a strong believer in creating conference posters that look good.  If they have a striking resemblance to printed papers, in my opinion something has gone really...

Linkedin Contacts
From The Eponymous Pickle

Linkedin Contacts

 I loaded up Linkedin's new Contacts App.   A very simple idea.  It combines streams from Linkedin, your phone contacts, mail contacts, calendars, Evernote, etc...

Top Ten Global Brands
From The Eponymous Pickle

Top Ten Global Brands

An overview of global brand choices.  Expected ones like Coke. Colgate, Nescafe and Pepsi.  Less known in the US, but common brand globally Maggi.  A brand from...

Optimizing Packaging
From The Eponymous Pickle

Optimizing Packaging

In CGT, an overview of the characteristics that make a difference in packaging.   From Manufacturing to Supply Chain to Shelf.   " ... With stores stocking innumerable...

Three Computer Scientists Elected to National Academy of Sciences
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Three Computer Scientists Elected to National Academy of Sciences

The CCC congratulates three computer scientists recently elected as members to the National Academy of Sciences: Naomi Halas, Juris Hartmanis, and Éva Tardos. Last...

From Computational Complexity

GPU Computing

Back around 1980, I used to write computer games for the Apple II. Plotting a point on the Apple II screen required dividing by 7, a lengthy process for the 6502...

Smarter Productivity in the Modern Office
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smarter Productivity in the Modern Office

A very good Wharton article on the measurement of productivity in the current world of knowledge workers.  I have lived through this age, and have many times seen...

The <i>Economist</i> on Guantanamo
From Schneier on Security

The Economist on Guantanamo

Maybe the tide is turning: America is in a hole. The last response of the blowhards and cowards who have put it there is always: "So what would you do: set them...

Google Brain and the New AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Brain and the New AI

In Wired:  Neuro artificial intelligence?  " ... The idea arises from experiments suggesting that the portion of your brain dedicated to processing sound from your...

Blogging is dead, but have we fixed anything?
From Geeking with Greg

Blogging is dead, but have we fixed anything?

Google Reader is shutting down, but most people moved on long ago. Blogging is dead. To the extent that it lives, it is dominated by professional journalists,...

Reidentifying Anonymous Data
From Schneier on Security

Reidentifying Anonymous Data

Latanya Sweeney has demonstrated how easy it can be to identify people from their birth date, gender, and zip code. The anonymous data she reidentified happened...

Unilever Mobile in Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever Mobile in Retail

In Mobile Marketer:  Quite an interesting experiment.  Note the scanning of the QR code and the building of a mobile database for future use.  Data mining is an...

Interviewing Users book – Special offers for Putting People First readers
From Putting People First

Interviewing Users book – Special offers for Putting People First readers

A few weeks ago, I announced Interviewing Users, the new book by Steve Portigal published by Rosenfeld Media. It is now available for purchase, both in print and...

Quantified Self
From The Eponymous Pickle

Quantified Self

Stephen Wolfram talks about his approach to personal analytics.  Based on the quantified self.  Something I have also done over the years, but very selectively....

And Google at 15
From The Eponymous Pickle

And Google at 15

Another surprising anniversary to me, Google at 15.   I have remarked about those of Web Pages(20) and Linkedin (10).  The small numbers still amaze me. I do remember...

Knowledge Management for Expertise Location
From The Eponymous Pickle

Knowledge Management for Expertise Location

Thinking broadly, all data use and leverage is about knowledge management.  This article surveys what companies are doing in particular for expertise location with...

From The Eponymous Pickle


A classmate points out a link to new supercomputer work at an Alma Mater of mine.

Evacuation Alerts at the Airport
From Schneier on Security

Evacuation Alerts at the Airport

Last week, an employee error caused the monitors at LAX to display a building evacuation order: At a little before 9:47 p.m., the message read: "An emergency has...

Invisibility Cloaks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Invisibility Cloaks

In GigaOM:  This topic sounds like one of those weird science things that are probably most suited to military stealth applications.  With memories of Claude Rains...
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