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Visualization–can you see it in your head?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Visualization–can you see it in your head?

I had dinner tonight with several computer science professors. The topic of conversation turned to the question of “can everyone learn to program?” One professor...

Sentiment Analysis from SAP
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sentiment Analysis from SAP

Also had not realized SAP was into sentiment analysis.  An overview via an interview here.  " ... SearchSAP spoke to Sameer Patel, global vice president and general...

Is the U.S. Government Recording and Saving All Domestic Telephone Calls?
From Schneier on Security

Is the U.S. Government Recording and Saving All Domestic Telephone Calls?

I have no idea if "former counterterrorism agent for the FBI" Tom Clemente knows what he's talking about, but that's certainly what he implies here: More recently...

Creating Effective Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Creating Effective Analytics

Good article about the idea.  Summarized by linking to executive champions and truly understanding where the analytics intersects with decision process.

Gap Analysis Paper
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gap Analysis Paper

New from Tom Ritchey:For those who are interested in computer-aided GAP Analysis – especially concerning problem areas that are difficult to quantify – a new article...

Catalina Adaptive Mobile Advertising
From The Eponymous Pickle

Catalina Adaptive Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising from Catalina.  Had not seen them in this space before, but admit have not followed them closely.  " .. “BuyerVision Mobile represents a huge...

Shit recruiters say
From Writing

Shit recruiters say

Just today, I got my 1,000th recruiter email in the last ~4 years. I know this is the number because I'm slightly obsessed with organization and have added a specific...

Disrupting Education
From The Eponymous Pickle

Disrupting Education

In CACM:  Research on the ongoing and imminent disruption of education.  A model that has existed for 800 years sees itself threatened.  What will make the new...

Congratulations to Justin and Jon
From My Biased Coin

Congratulations to Justin and Jon

Justin Thaler and Jon Ullman had back-to-back thesis defenses today.  Both talks were excellent -- Justin's on his work on verification methods (for cloud computing)...

Intelligence Analysis and the Connect-the-Dots Metaphor
From Schneier on Security

Intelligence Analysis and the Connect-the-Dots Metaphor

The FBI and the CIA are being criticized for not keeping better track of Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the months before the Boston Marathon bombings. How could they have...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Most Perplexing Mystery

The discrete log and the factoring problem Antoine Joux is a crypto expert at Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University. He is also one of the crypto experts...

Wal-Mart Does e-Commerce Development in House
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Does e-Commerce Development in House

Perhaps an unusual choice.  Most large non-tech companies use off the shelf or outsource such capabilities.  Wal-Mart feels it has special understanding of it needs...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of May 6
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of May 6

May 8 Hearing: The Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism of the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on responses to cyberthreats. 9 a.m., 226 Dirksen Building...

Michael Chertoff on Google Glass
From Schneier on Security

Michael Chertoff on Google Glass

Interesting op-ed by former DHS head Michael Chertoff on the privacy risks of Google Glass. Now imagine that millions of Americans walk around each day wearing...

Tweeting Minarets: joining quantitative and qualitative research methodologies
From Putting People First

Tweeting Minarets: joining quantitative and qualitative research methodologies

In the last post of the EthnographyMatters Ethnomining edition (edited by Nicolas Nova), David Ayman Shamma @ayman gives a personal perspective on mixed methods...

It’s time to reinvent the Personal Computer
From Putting People First

It’s time to reinvent the Personal Computer

Although Windows and Macintosh are both showing their age, Michael Mace of Cera Technology thinks there is enormous opportunity for a renaissance in personal computing...

Michael Schrage
From The Eponymous Pickle

Michael Schrage

Just started to review some of Michael Schrage's posts in his HBR blog that had to do with analytics, data visualization and the digitization of business.  Well...

From Computational Complexity

Are you smarter than a fifth grader? I'm not.

My darling sometimes watches TV in the middle of the night when she can't sleep.So I found myself watching (actually listening) to the quiz show Are You Smarter...

How to be effective at open source: by programmers, for programmers
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How to be effective at open source: by programmers, for programmers

Though it does not get much press, one of the great social and technological innovation of the last 30 years has been open source software. To about 90% of the...

Visualizing Geographic Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualizing Geographic Data

 An interesting HBR Blog case study on visualizing geographic data.  They conclude reasonably: " ... There are lots of ways to sequence development. But the end...
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