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Communications of the ACM



Stats on Interest in Statistics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stats on Interest in Statistics

The Numbers Guy in the WSJ comments on the increasing interest in statistics as a field of study.  Since statistics is the underlying foundation of analytics, it...

House Creates Congressional App Challenge
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

House Creates Congressional App Challenge

The U.S. House of Representatives created a national academic competition this week for students to showcase their talents in science, technology, engineering,...

Advertising and the Internet of things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Advertising and the Internet of things

In the HBR: An internet of things that links to deliverable advertising.  Kevin Ashton, mentioned in the article, worked with us in the innovation center.

Friday Squid Blogging: Another Squid Cartoon.
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Another Squid Cartoon.

Another. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Me on "Virtually Speaking"
From Schneier on Security

Me on "Virtually Speaking"

Last week I was on "Virtually Speaking."

Certification And Innovation
From Wild WebMink

Certification And Innovation

While there is probably a place for ”granular” certifications, especially if their origin is the external accreditation of real-world recognition inside a community...

NSF Smart and Connected Health (SCH) Program
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Smart and Connected Health (SCH) Program

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has recently announced the Smart and Connected Health (SCH) program solicitation. “The goal of the Smart and Connected Health...

Is Facebook Destroying the American College Experience?
From Apophenia

Is Facebook Destroying the American College Experience?

Sitting with a group of graduating high school seniors last summer, the conversation turned to college roommates. Although headed off to different schools, they...

The user research behind HTC One’s Sense 5 interface
From Putting People First

The user research behind HTC One’s Sense 5 interface

Drew Bamford, Director of User Experience at HTC, explains Sense 5.0 and why the company’s Android UX needed redefining. “HTC radically overhauled the look and...

Strengthening Brand America
From The Eponymous Pickle

Strengthening Brand America

Ed Burghard curates and posts on economic development and place branding.   Always some interesting ideas than can be applied to the local brand.

IBM Boosts Analytics Revenue Goals
From The Eponymous Pickle

IBM Boosts Analytics Revenue Goals

Not unexpected based on my reading.  The intersection of Big Data and analytics requires a consulting base, which IBM clearly has.    Recent acquisitions also point...

Publication as Process
From The Eponymous Pickle

Publication as Process

On academic publication as process in CACM.   Big changes are continuing in the space of how information is found, produced and delivered.

Phishing Has Gotten <i>Very</i> Good
From Schneier on Security

Phishing Has Gotten Very Good

This isn't phishing; it's not even spear phishing. It's laser-guided precision phishing: One of the leaked diplomatic cables referred to one attack via emailwrote...

The Google Glass feature no one is talking about
From Putting People First

The Google Glass feature no one is talking about

The Google Glass feature that (almost) no one is talking about is the experience – not of the user, but of everyone other than the user, writes Mark Hurst in a...

In a world of connected devices, focus on what they do
From Putting People First

In a world of connected devices, focus on what they do

Stacey Higginbotham reports on a the GigaOM Internet of things meetup in San Francisco a few days ago: “All of the participants agreed that the connected device...

3D Desktops
From The Eponymous Pickle

3D Desktops

More from TED:  The next logical step in interface?   Or does this go a dimension too far?  Even a real desktop is flattened, unless you are dealing with 3D architectural...

Txt Speak as Linguistic Miracle
From The Eponymous Pickle

Txt Speak as Linguistic Miracle

Ars Technica on a TED Talk.   I am still skeptical that our languages will evolve into a simpler, acronym ridden shortening of tokens and meme pointers.   The article...

Naked Statistics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Naked Statistics

Part of my role long ago was to explain analytics to executives.  That included many things, from analytical methods, predictive systems to statistics.  So I was...

What We're Not Doing to Tackle the Women in Tech Issue
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

What We're Not Doing to Tackle the Women in Tech Issue

Venture Beat recently ran an article about tackling tech's gender problem the right way (according to them, by teaching women to code). Part of the article discusses...

The Court of Public Opinion
From Schneier on Security

The Court of Public Opinion

Recently, Elon Musk and the New York Times took to Twitter and the Internet to argue the data -- and their grievances -- over a failed road test and car review....
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