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CCC Sponsored Workshop on Extreme Scale Design Automation (ESDA)
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Sponsored Workshop on Extreme Scale Design Automation (ESDA)

The following is a special contribution to this blog from Patrick H. Madden, Associate Professor of Computer Science at Binghamton University. In this blog entry...

Social Marketing Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Social Marketing Analytics

An interesting set of examples, from GE and others:  " ... Offloading content development has allowed the company to develop an overarching social media strategy...

Revolutionizing Disease Treatment
From The Eponymous Pickle

Revolutionizing Disease Treatment

Via a social network.  Noted in the CACM:  Relates to some of my own writings on health care networks,    " ... The social network PatientsLikeMe plans to build...

Online Grocery Shopping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Online Grocery Shopping

Interesting connections that are driving the increasing use of online for grocery shopping.  " ... According to a Hartman Group report, 18% of households purchased...

How teachers are using technology at home and in their classrooms
From Putting People First

How teachers are using technology at home and in their classrooms

A survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project of teachers who instruct American middle and secondary school students finds that digital technologies have...

Future Imperfect: Evgeny Morozov vs. Steven Johnson
From Putting People First

Future Imperfect: Evgeny Morozov vs. Steven Johnson

A couple of weeks ago Evgeny Morozov and Steven Johnson had a very public spat (writers’ favorite kind), prompted by Evgeny’s review of Johnson’s latest book in...

On legitimacy, place and the anthropology of the Internet
From Putting People First

On legitimacy, place and the anthropology of the Internet

In this thoughtful piece for Ethnography Matters, Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) discusses the ways in which the internet has transformed the relationship between...

Computer interfaces: tech’s next great frontier
From Putting People First

Computer interfaces: tech’s next great frontier

Since the invention of personal computing three decades ago, how we interact with computers has remained about the same: monitor, keyboard, mouse. Monitors have...

From Computational Complexity

Our Government at Work

Barring a surprise deal, the sequester goes into effect tomorrow. NSF Director (and soon to be CMU President) Subra Suresh announced a sequestration impact statement...

Brazen Physical Thefts
From Schneier on Security

Brazen Physical Thefts

Three brazen robberies are in the news this week. The first was a theft at a small museum of gold nuggets worth $750,000: Police said the daring heist happened...

Your ideas needed: Coding is to computer science as X is to Y
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Your ideas needed: Coding is to computer science as X is to Y

Yesterday we posted a link to a terrific new video by extolling the virtues of learning to program. Despite the “learn to code” rhetoric, is really...

CSTA Annual Conference News
From Computer Science Teachers Association

CSTA Annual Conference News

Planning is well underway for 2013 CSTA Annual Conference, formerly known as the CS&IT Symposium. This year's conference will be held in Quincy, MA (just outside...

From The Eponymous Pickle


Brought to my attention:   " ... GMDC is the premier non-profit global trade association dedicated to serving Health Beauty Wellness and General Merchandise...

CPGs Replace Likes with Call to Action
From The Eponymous Pickle

CPGs Replace Likes with Call to Action

In Adage:  " ... RB, Lever Add Interactive Games, Digital Deals to Online Branding Efforts ... " ... After studying effects of brand advertising on e-commerce sites...

Beyond Supermoms
From The Eponymous Pickle

Beyond Supermoms

In Adage:  CPG starts to advertise without the supermom stereotypes. With some examples from recent Superbowl ads.   " ... Advertising's legacy of depicting women...

Measuring Stress Levels in an Unmanageable World
From The Eponymous Pickle

Measuring Stress Levels in an Unmanageable World

An insightful piece in the HBR.  Which came up in a lunch conversation today.   Many of us are managing multiple devices now.   Will the number of devices creep...

Alan F. Westin Died
From Schneier on Security

Alan F. Westin Died

Obituary here. His 1967 book, Privacy and Freedom, almost single-handedly created modern privacy law.

Amazon vs WalMart Sales
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon vs WalMart Sales

In Wired: Intriguing comparison between Walmart and Amazon.   An indicator for the future?  Pointing to new Walmart activities:  " ... Walmart recently reported...

Discussing STOC 2013 PC with Joan Feigenbaum
From My Biased Coin

Discussing STOC 2013 PC with Joan Feigenbaum

Joan Feigenbaum is the Program Committee Chair for STOC 2013, where papers decisions were recently announced;  I served as part of the Executive Committee.  Joan...

How Complex Systems Fail
From Schneier on Security

How Complex Systems Fail

Good summary list. It's not directly about security, but it's all fundamentally about security. Any real-world security system is inherently complex. I wrote...
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