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Python Issue Slithers Away?
From Wild WebMink

Python Issue Slithers Away?

Looks like Python Hosting is no more. I’ve seen nothing official, but I note from that the new name for their cloud hosting is Veber Cloud.  My story...

Lean and user experience, again
From Putting People First

Lean and user experience, again

When anthropologist Natalie Hanson was asked last year to contribute to a new book called The Handbook of Business Anthropology, edited by Rita Denny and Patty...

How will big data change design research?
From Putting People First

How will big data change design research?

Will design researchers (and our models and explanations) be replaced by data tables and “experience actuaries” that tell us what to build, for whom, and what it...

Neural Networks Retooling the Android
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neural Networks Retooling the Android

We used so-called artificial neural nets (ANN) in the enterprise over a decade ago for specific kinds of focused analysis of consumer data.  Inspired by the brain's...

Evidence Tablets are Eroding PC Market
From The Eponymous Pickle

Evidence Tablets are Eroding PC Market

In GigaOM:    Even a cursory observation in any airport waiting room will demonstrate this. "  Naysayers may continue to ignore the trend, but tablets aren’t toys...

White House Releases Strategy to Tackle Trade Secret Theft
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

White House Releases Strategy to Tackle Trade Secret Theft

A new White House strategy paper released on Wednesday outlines a five-pronged approach for protecting trade secrets of U.S. companies against a growing threat...

Augmented Reality Chipset
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Reality Chipset

Metaio announces bringing this idea to market today.   A good idea for prototyping applications of AR.  I also see specialized applications of augmented reality...

Crime Prediction with Selective Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Crime Prediction with Selective Data

In GigaOm:  Overview of a recent paper on crime prediction using Big Data.    Nicely done, good example that whose principles can be reapplied in other domains....

From Computational Complexity


I got a new toy this week, the Pebble watch which I got early because I pre-ordered donated to their Kickstarter campaign. It's a little buggy and the promised...

Peer review without journals or conferences
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Peer review without journals or conferences

Almost all scientists ask their peers to review their work outside of the formal process offered by journals and conferences. Young scientists are routinely told...

Testimony on “Applications for Information Technology Research & Development” to House Science Committee Subcommittee on Research
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Testimony on “Applications for Information Technology Research & Development” to House Science Committee Subcommittee on Research

On February 14, Kelly Gaither (Texas Advanced Computing Center), Kathryn McKinley (Microsoft Research), and Ed Lazowska (University of Washington and Computing...

More on Chinese Cyberattacks
From Schneier on Security

More on Chinese Cyberattacks

Wow, is this a crazy media frenzy. We should know better. These attacks happen all the time, and just because the media is reporting about them with greater frequency...

Price Chopper and Vine
From The Eponymous Pickle

Price Chopper and Vine

In an interesting retail/CPG example.  Twitter owned Vine is being used by Price Chopper for marketing with six second videos.

At the AAAS Annual Meeting, How Fundamental Computing Research Touches Everyday Lives
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

At the AAAS Annual Meeting, How Fundamental Computing Research Touches Everyday Lives

Last Saturday, Erwin Gianchandani, formerly the director of the Computing Community Consortium and now the deputy director of the National Science Foundation’s...

Age Biases in Perceptions of Trust
From Schneier on Security

Age Biases in Perceptions of Trust

Interesting research (full article is behind a paywall): Abstract: Older adults are disproportionately vulnerable to fraud, and federal agencies have speculated...

Open Source Document Management
From Wild WebMink

Open Source Document Management

I’ve not tried a document management system before, but these videos of LibreOffice checking documents in & out of document management systems via the new CMIS...

A Friendly Survey of Programming Languages
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

A Friendly Survey of Programming Languages

I was sitting around thinking about high school computer science curriculum last night when the idea of a programming languages survey course came to mind. I’m...

Preparing for Analytics 3.0
From The Eponymous Pickle

Preparing for Analytics 3.0

I like Thomas H Davenport's concise description of what he calls Analytics 3.0.  Much as I dislike the numerical indexing of the approach.  It is largely about ...

P&G Finds Goldmine in Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Finds Goldmine in Analytics

In the WSJ Blogs: Thomas H Davenport describes some his findings after meeting with Procter & Gamble.  Exploring P&G's long time use of the analytics technology...

Anita's Quilt is Going Strong, But We Need Your Help
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Anita's Quilt is Going Strong, But We Need Your Help

Anita's Quilt is a collection of inspiring stories from real women in technology.  I wrote about its launch back in September, and wanted to draw your attention...
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