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Communications of the ACM



Drinkable Costmetics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Drinkable Costmetics

In Cosmeticsdesign: Popular in Asia, "nutricosmetics" could start to make a splash in the West, trend watchers say. The beauty drinks, some of which contain antioxidants...

Friday Squid Blogging: More on Flying Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: More on Flying Squid

Japanese squid researchers have confirmed flying squid can fly, and how they do it. (Note: I have written about flying squid before.) As usual, you can also use...

Analytics IQ
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics IQ

Fascinating piece on consumer financial intelligence:  Analytics-IQ launches industry's most accurate predictor of household economic profiles with "consumer financial...

Turning Data into Smart Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Turning Data into Smart Data

In Information Week:   Fundamentally agree, but it's really more about turning raw data into smarter decisions. I have not lapsed into call everything 'Smarter'...

USACM Chair Comments on Cybersecurity Executive Order
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Chair Comments on Cybersecurity Executive Order

On Tuesday, as part of the State of the Union address, President Obama issued an executive order on cybersecurity. The order focuses on the cybersecurity of critical...

Jacob Appelbaum's 29C3 Keynote Speech
From Schneier on Security

Jacob Appelbaum's 29C3 Keynote Speech

This speech from last December's 29C3 (29th Chaos Communication Congress) is worth listening to. He talks about what we can do in the face of oppressive power...

Throw Out The Usual Suspects
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Throw Out The Usual Suspects

Anyone who has spent time in a classroom knows that there are some students, usually a small number, to take up most of the class participation. It’s not that they...

Learning from LibreOffice
From Wild WebMink

Learning from LibreOffice

LibreOffice is built from a large legacy codebase that dates back over 20 years. It includes millions of lines of code, can be compiled for a wide range of platforms...

Guessing Smart Phone PINs by Monitoring the Accelerometer
From Schneier on Security

Guessing Smart Phone PINs by Monitoring the Accelerometer

"Practicality of Accelerometer Side Channels on Smartphones," by Adam J. Aviv. Benjamin Sapp, Matt Blaze, and Jonathan M. Smith. Abstract: Modern smartphonesArticle...

From Computational Complexity

Beauty and Science

Christopher Shea wrote a recent Chronicle Review article Is Scientific Truth Always Beautiful? I would argue the answer is yes, and it boils down to Occam's Razor...

New Thoughts on App Inventor
From Computer Science Teachers Association

New Thoughts on App Inventor

In September 2011, I posted about how much I like App Inventor as a tool to get students excited about computer science along with believing that they have the...

ICALP formatting
From My Biased Coin

ICALP formatting

Given the loud outcry regarding the STOC 2013 formatting, which gave you 10 double-column pages to work with (at the cost of, you know, having to turn your paper...

Kid Friendly Newspapers Via Augmented Reality
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Kid Friendly Newspapers Via Augmented Reality

Someone recently shared this Popular Science article about an augmented reality app that 'translates' newspapers for children.  The main idea is to simplify the...

Using the iWatch for Authentication
From Schneier on Security

Using the iWatch for Authentication

Usability engineer Bruce Tognazzini talks about how an iWatch -- which seems to be either a mythical Apple product or one actually in development -- can make authentication...

First outputs from Intel research centre on sustainable connected cities
From Putting People First

First outputs from Intel research centre on sustainable connected cities

The Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Sustainable Connected Cities – a cooperation between University College London (UCL), Imperial College London and...

CCC Council Member Anita Jones Receives AAAS’ Highest Honor
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Council Member Anita Jones Receives AAAS’ Highest Honor

Congratulations to CCC Council member Anita Jones for being named the recipient of the 2012 Philip Hauge Ableson Award. The Ableson award is the highest award conferred...

Anti-Cheating Security in Casinos
From Schneier on Security

Anti-Cheating Security in Casinos

Long article. With over a thousand cameras operating 24/7, the monitoring room creates tremendous amounts of data every day, most of which goes unseen. Six technicians...

Beware the Scaffold That Becomes  Crutch
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Beware the Scaffold That Becomes Crutch

This year I am experimenting with scaffolding to help students get started with projects. For example I started one group with a project to calculate BMI (BodyDescaffolding...

A Real Love Song
From Wild WebMink

A Real Love Song

For Valentine’s Day, here’s a song about real love. That’s Who Are We Fooling, by Brooke Fraser and Aqualung.  Amazon UK will give you £1 to buy any track if you...

Computer Science - Part of English Baccalaureate
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science - Part of English Baccalaureate

There is some good news from the UK in that Computer Science is going to be part of English Baccalaureate (secondary school) program there. The Ministry of Education...
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