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she++ Video Trailer Worth a Look
From Computer Science Teachers Association

she++ Video Trailer Worth a Look

A couple of undergraduate students here at Stanford have launched she++, an effort to get more women involved in computing at the undergraduate level. The clever...

Google Reveals their Glass
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Reveals their Glass

Today more about features and directions of the vaunted 'Google Glass' eye wear style interface.  Now including voice commands.   If this becomes popular it will...

CIOs Are Building App Stores
From The Eponymous Pickle

CIOs Are Building App Stores

In Forbes:  We saw it coming and it will progress.  Apps are becoming part of the consumerization of data and process improvement via systems.   Like the movesSee...

Cheating at Chess
From Schneier on Security

Cheating at Chess

Good summary of cheating in tournament chess.

I Can Look That Up For You
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

I Can Look That Up For You

One of the things that has happened over the last few years is that I have learned what I needed on a just in time basis. That is to say that rather than trying...

Hack on KC’s 1Gbps Google Fiber: Apply for travel scholarships by Feb 26
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Hack on KC’s 1Gbps Google Fiber: Apply for travel scholarships by Feb 26

The following is a special contribution to the CCC blog from Will Barkis, Project Lead, Mozilla Ignite. Mozilla, in partnership with the National Science Foundation...

Rome’s Answer To Milton Keynes
From Wild WebMink

Rome’s Answer To Milton Keynes

High Roman Wall, originally uploaded by webmink. We went walking yesterday around the remains of the Roman town Calleva Atrebatum in Silchester, Hampshire. This...

What kind of researcher are you?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

What kind of researcher are you?

The politician. He will get people to collaborate on joint projects. How to recognize: He knows everyone! Pro: He makes things happen irrespective of the available...

Fixing Soccer Matches
From Schneier on Security

Fixing Soccer Matches

How international soccer matches are fixed. Right now, Dan Tan's programmers are busy reverse-engineering the safeguards of online betting houses. About $3 billion...

Experientia partner part of Interaction14 organizing team
From Putting People First

Experientia partner part of Interaction14 organizing team

Interaction, the annual interaction design conference organized by IxDA (the global Interaction Design Association), will head to Amsterdam in in February 2014....

Human Robot Relationships
From The Eponymous Pickle

Human Robot Relationships

A good overview piece.  A review of some of Sherry Turkle's work.   We examined this when we looked at Japanese work on robot companions and help mates.   The idea...

Internet Limit
From The Eponymous Pickle

Internet Limit

In SCiam:  When will the Internet reach its limit, and what are the implications?  " ... The number of smartphones, tablets and other network-connected gadgets...

Gartner Quadrant for Business Intelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gartner Quadrant for Business Intelligence

I was sent a copy of Gartner's Magic Quadrant publication for business intelligence and analytics software.  A simplistic view, but always a good place to start...

Equity, Policy, and and Why "Trickle Down" Doesn't
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Equity, Policy, and and Why "Trickle Down" Doesn't

As a non common-core subject, computer science relies on vigorous policy efforts to help our educational leaders understand the importance of including computing...

19th-Century Traffic Analysis
From Schneier on Security

19th-Century Traffic Analysis

There's a nice example of traffic analysis in the book No Name, by Wilkie Collins (1862). The attacker, Captain Wragge, needs to know whether a letter has been...

Attack of the Customers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Attack of the Customers

Colleague, correspondent and former co-fellow of mine at  SNCR Paul Gillin has written a book just brought to my attention. Attack of the Customers: Why Critics...

From Computational Complexity

Are most lower bounds really upper bounds?

Recently Daniel Apon (grad student of Jon Katz at UMCP, but he also hangs out with me) proved a LOWER BOUND by proving an UPPER BOUND. His paper is here. I have...

Python – Why Is There Even An Issue?
From Wild WebMink

Python – Why Is There Even An Issue?

As soon as I heard about the trademark dispute concerning Python, I tried to contact both sides and understand why there was even an issue. I got through straight...

Hacking Citation Counts
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Citation Counts

Hacking citation counts using Google Scholar.

Teenage usability: designing teen-targeted websites
From Putting People First

Teenage usability: designing teen-targeted websites

Recently published Nielsen/Norman Group research shows that teens are (over)confident in their web abilities, but they perform worse than adults. Lower reading...
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